Installation instructions for rails-ujs or jquery-ujs

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We maintain several forks since [CVE-2023-23913] of rails-ujs and jquery-ujs.
Since each Rails app has a different way of handling asset packages, we introduced several new forked packages with a fix.
If you want to install one of those packages, please replace your npm package or gem with one of our forked versions.

Use the NPM package @railslts/jquery-ujs to replace the jquery-ujs NPM package, e.g. with npm install @railslts/jquery-ujs.
Use the NPM package @railslts/rails-ujs to replace the rails-ujs NPM package, e.g. with npm install @railslts/rails-ujs.

You can point the rails-ujs gem to our github fork directly with:

gem "rails-ujs", git: "", branch: "lts"

You can point the jquery-rails gem to our github fork directly with:

gem "jquery-rails", git: "", branch: "lts"

If you depend on the older 3-1-stable release of the jquery-rails gem, please replace the gem jquery-rails with the following line in your Gemfile:

gem "jquery-rails", git: "", branch: "lts-3-1-stable"
Niklas Hä.
Last edit
Niklas Hä.
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Niklas Hä. to Rails LTS documentation (2023-03-23 13:17)