How to find out your current Rails LTS version

Rails 3.2 LTS, 4.2 LTS, 5.2 LTS

Run the following command:

bundle show rails

This will display the path of the installed rails gem. The path will contain the version number, e.g. below:


Rails LTS 2.3

Installation with bundler

As a customer of a paid plan who has installed Rails LTS with Bundler, run the following:

bundle show rails

This will display the path of the installed rails gem. The path will contain the version number, e.g. below:


Installation without bundler

As a customer of a paid plan who has installed Rails LTS without Bundler, run the following:

gem list | grep rails

Community edition

As a subscriber to the free Community edition, run the following:

# on 2.3
$ script/runner 'puts RailsLts::VERSION.to_s' # say "script/runner -e production ..." on production

# on 3.2
$ rails runner 'puts RailsLts::VERSION.to_s' #say "script/runner -e production ..." on production

That command will not work on older versions since RailsLts::VERSION did not exist back then. You will encounter an error like this:

.../gems/railslts-bcf87a3aad2b/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:469:in `load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant RailsLts (NameError)

In such cases you can be confident that you are not on the most recent version and should update to the latest release now.

Arne Hartherz