Change Time Format when using ls on Mac OSX

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If you want to display the timestamp of a file e.g. in ISO format when using ls on OSX, then you need to install the coreutils e.g. using homebrew

$ brew install coreutils

Then you can use

$ gls -l --time-style=long-iso

to display something like this:

-rwxrw-rw- 1 root wheel 433440000 2007-06-27 20:03 Clip 01.dv

ls -l produces:

-rwxrw-rw-  1 root  wheel  433440000 27 Jun  2007 Clip 01.dv
Matthias Marschall
Posted by Matthias Marschall to Matthias Marschall (2011-12-27 15:57)