Angular: Understanding how parent and child scope meet on a directive declaration

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public. Draft.

This cards needs to be rewritten.

Say you have the following markup:

{{ someParentVariable = 42 }}

<child var="{{ someParentVariable }}" ng-click="foo()">
  {{ var }}

Any angular expression on the child element will be evaluated
before child is initialized. Hence, {{ }} is always evaluated in the
parent scope. will be "42" inside the child directive
(as a string, because HTML attributes are always strings).

scope: true

If the child directive sets scope:true, a new child scope is
attached to the directive's element. It is available to any
other Angular expression on that element
. ngClick will invoke
the foo() function that the child directive defines.

scope: {}

Now assume the child directive defines an isolate scope. This isolate
scope will be truly isolate and not accessible to other Angular
expressions or directives on that element
. See this Stackoverflow
, section "Breaking Change" (Angular 1.2+). ngClick will
invoke the foo() function defined on the parent scope.

Dominik Schöler
Last edit
Deleted user #20
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2015-03-26 12:29)