Product Types

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Type Composite[^1] Inventory[^2] Description Example
Simple - Yes The most basic form of product Example Show snapshot
Grouped Yes No Several simple products displayed together, customer selection determines one or more simple products to be added to the basket, which are shown in the basket as seperate products Example Show snapshot
Configurable Yes No Allows choosing of options which determines a single simple product to be added to the basket Example Show snapshot
Virtual No Yes A simple product which will never be shipped, and as such needs no shipping information
Bundle Yes No Allows choosing of options which determines one or more simple products to be added to the basket, which are shown in the basket as one product Example Show snapshot
Downloadable No Yes A simple product with one or more downloads associated with it, essentially a virtual product with a download
Gift Card No ? A simple product whose purchase results in a gift card being sent to the purchaser

[^1]: A product which is composed of multiple simple products, and whose purchase results in one more of those products being purchased
[^2]: Whether inventory (quantity) is managable on the product type itself, irrespective of composed products

The Difference Between Grouped and Bundle Products

The difference occurs when you actually add to your cart - grouped products
appear as single products, as though you have had added them individually,
whereas bundle appear as one product in the cart, in the same way that a
configurable product does. See this example:

Grouped and Bundle products

Mike Whitby
Last edit
Posted by Mike Whitby to Magento (2012-03-19 17:27)