Magento Version History

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

Here is a table showing major changes over the Magento version history:

CE PE EE Year Major Changes
1 2008
1.1 2008 API, bundled and virtual products, custom product options
1.2 2008 Downloadable products, layered nav on search, MySQL fulltext, FPT (WEEE)
1.3 2009 Flat catalog
1.6 2009
1.7 2010
1.4 1.8 2010 3 level theme fallback (base/default), Widgets, WYSIWYG editor, 3D Secure, compiler (beta until 1.4.2)
1.9 2010
1.5 1.1 2011 ImportExport module, add configurable products to admin orders
1.6 1.11 1.11 2011 Multi DB support, persistant cart, minimum advertised price
1.7 1.12 2012 Mobile theme, auto-generate coupon codes, customer group pricing, REST API, EU cookie law, backup/rollback, CAPTCHA, VAT ID validation
1.8 1.13 2013 Enhanced tax calculations, Redis cache in core, EE gets new indexing, "Always Run" cron jobs
1.9 1.14 2014 Infinite theme fallback, responsive theme, cross-border trade, PHP 5.4 support, BillMeLater, PHP 5.5 support (, MySQL 5.6 support,(, responsive e-mails (, product colour swatches (, EE gets Visual Merchandiser, system reports, better multi-admin support

Also, here is a repository Show snapshot which has all the Magento versions in git, allowing you to see which files have changed over time.

Mike Whitby
Last edit
Mike Whitby
Posted by Mike Whitby to Magento (2014-05-20 16:44)