Ant handbook

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public. Repeats.

Check conditions example:

<!-- run command -->
<target name="t_name">
 <exec executable="command" failonerror="true" outputproperty="exec.out" errorproperty="exec.err" resultproperty="exec.rc" >
    <arg value="arg"/>

<!-- check conditions -->
<target name="checkresult">
    <condition property="errors">
            <equals arg1="${exec.err}" arg2="0" />
    <echo message="errors: ${errors}"/>

<!-- usage, target executes only if errors == 'false' -->
<target unless="errors"></target>

Run target from another target:

<!-- first way throw depends attribute, when execute first_target, then it execute all targets in depends list -->
<target name="first_target" depends="second_target, third_target, fourth_target">...</target>
<target name="second_target">...</target>
<target name="third_target">...</target>
<target name="fourth_target">...</target>

<!-- second way throw antcall tag -->
<target name="default">
  <antcall target="doSomethingElse">
    <param name="param1" value="value"/>

<target name="doSomethingElse">
  <echo message="param1=${param1}"/>
Last edit
Ant, script
Posted by konjoot to wiki (2014-01-06 09:29)