Creating a gem in lib folder
Go to lib folder and use bundler to generate main files for a gem:
$ bundle gem test_gem
create test_gem/Gemfile
create test_gem/Rakefile
create test_gem/LICENSE
create test_gem/
create test_gem/.gitignore
create test_gem/test_gem.gemspec
create test_gem/lib/test_gem.rb
create test_gem/lib/test_gem/version.rb
Initializating git repo in /path/to/webapp/HouseTrip-Web-App/lib/test_gem
cd in to created directory
$ cd test_gem/
ActiveRecord::NamedScopes (2.3.x) obtaining the SQL conditions
It's a good pratice to chain several named scopes like:
Now, to make the lesson more valuable let's assume the following code:
Property.scoped(:conditions => "foo = 2").scoped(:conditions => "foo2 IS NOT NULL")
Next, if you want to be able to fetch the underlying conditions scope generated by ActiveRecord. You must do this:
Property.scoped(:conditions => "foo = 2").scoped(:conditions => "foo2 IS NOT NULL").scope(:find)
# => {:conditions => "(foo = 2) AND (foo2...
Git Branch naming
This is how we name branches :
(features) -
is an dash-delimited version of the story name, and id
the Pivotal story number.
Examples :