django apps in subfolder

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Given a sub-directory named "apps" for all django applications, the following steps are used to setup the sub-directory and create apps.

1 create app sub folder - "apps"

mkdir apps
touch apps/

2 add app to sub folder:

mkdir apps/myapp
python startapp myapp  apps/myapp

3 update in apps/myapp to have the name include 'apps.' as shown below:

class MyappConfig(AppConfig):
    # optional, add default auto field
    default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
    # set location of app using sub dir
    name = 'apps.myapp'
    # optional, add name of app
    verbose_name = 'My App Verbose Name'

4 Install myapp like this:


5 Create urls like this:

urlpatterns = patterns('', 
  url(r'^myapp', include('apps.myapp.urls')),

6 make migrations like this:

makemigrations myapp --pythonpath='apps'
Last edit
Posted by Cuauhtemoc to Python Django (2018-06-19 13:38)