285 Frontend build pipelines in Rails [3d]

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While working on a Rails application, your code base will grow a collection of different file types including:

  • Ruby (business logic)
  • HTML fragments (layouts and views)
  • CSS/Sass/SCSS (styles)
  • JavaScript (client-side behavior)
  • Static media (images, fonts, videos)

Except for the Ruby part, all these files are shipped to the browser. In this card we'll focus specifically on CSS, JS, fonts and static media files which are often summed up as assets.

You might already have noticed that Rails modifies those assets before delivering them to the client. For example, you'll never see SASS anywhere in your browser. Rails offers various asset processing and delivery mechanisms which will be covered in this card.


For each frontend management system listed below, understand how they achieve:

  • Asset concatenation
    • Are they bundling many small JavaScript or CSS files into one single file?
      • If yes, how can we define a "manifest" or "pack" that defines which files should be included in the build?
    • Can our JavaScripts use import or require to load another file?
  • Fingerprinting
    • Can it fingerprint the build output to improve caching?
      • What are "expiry" or "cache-control" headers? How do those work for our applications?
    • How can static images be referenced e.g. in stylesheets without any knowledge of the current fingerprint?
    /* your code */
    background-image: url(logo.png)
    /* the same style inspected within the browser (Webpack example) */
    background-image: url(packs/assets/logo-9929e2bc15378bb351e3.png)
    • How are those file references stored within the local file system?
  • Usage of frontend libraries
  • Postprocessing
    • How can your assets be minified?
    • How can your assets be transpiled, e.g. from Sass to CSS or from ESNext to ES2015?
    • Can we define our own postprocessing steps? E.g. a transformation that finds and replaces some string in all .js files.

Note that all of the above is solved in every frontend management system below. They use different paradigms to tackle the underlying problems and differ mainly regarding:

  • the syntax to require or import other files
  • the syntax and location of their configuration files
    • e.g. to define the target ES level of the JS transpilation or to add a custom postprocessing step to add CSS vendor prefixes
  • the location of libraries, manifests and packs

You should know how to import files and spot the different locations for each management system.

Overview: Frontend Management Systems

Over time, we adapted various asset management systems. You already got to know esbuild, which is used in your MovieDB and our most recent applications. This is our preferred solution and should be your main focus while working on this card.

As we maintain more than a hundred applications, many of them still use the asset pipeline and Webpacker. You should roughly understand how they work, but don't invest more than a day to skim over the asset pipeline and webpacker.

Rails 1-7 with the Asset Pipeline (Sprockets)

The asset pipeline is Rails' original mechanism on how stylesheets, javascripts and images from your /assets folder are processed and delivered to the browser

  • Used in all our projects from 2009-2019, for example makandracards
    • Because of its simplicity, we might still use it in projects with a very narrow scope
  • Has no separate build process in development. Instead the Rails server directly compiles the asset whenever it renders a javascript_tag, stylesheet_tag or image_tag.
  • It still has issues on integrating well with vendor libraries or the npm ecosystem:
    • import and export statements (ESM) are not supported
    • because of this, you can only add libraries that are packed in a single file and register themselves globally on the window object
    • Even though ES6-Support required for ESM Show archive.org snapshot has been added with sprockets v4, the asset pipeline still has issues with the support of many JavaScript libraries
  • Postprocessing is mostly limited to minification, transpilation is not possible
  • Understand by looking at an example project and resources below:
    • What is sprockets Show archive.org snapshot and how does it relate to the asset pipeline?
    • What does require, require_tree, require_self do?
    • Why are image-url and font-url necessary for sass urls?
    • When importing variables or mixins into a .sass file, we need to use @import other_file.
      • Note that we cannot use //= require 'other_file'
        • //= require is a sprockets statement that would copy and duplicate the content file in your bundle each time you use it.
      • only SASS @imports are aware of the current state of your variable definitions
  • Have a look at the goals section above focusing on the asset pipeline

Rails 5+ with Webpacker

Webpacker has many more moving parts than the asset pipeline, but allowed us to use ES6 modules and npm packages (through yarn Show archive.org snapshot ) a lot earlier than it was introduced for sprockets. Even after that sprockets is still missing many modern bundling features and has issues with library support. Webpacker is a wrapper around a JavaScript project called webpack Show archive.org snapshot

  • Used in all our projects from 2019-2022, for example Studyflix
  • It comes with a powerful configuration / transformation system and offers many plugins
    • Because of this, it ticks every box for a desirable frontend management system
    • It's also slow and very complex. This makes it hard to debug any issues or understand the pipeline as a whole.
  • Understand by looking at an example project and resources below:
    • What "packs" are
    • How to use the webpack dev server
    • How to add and remove npm packages with yarn
    • How import and export of relative paths and npm packages work (ES6 module system)
  • Have a look at the goals section above focusing on webpacker

Rails 6+ with esbuild

esbuild offers us similar features like webpacker while being blazingly fast and easier to understand.

  • Used in all our projects since 2022, for example your MovieDB
  • It currently offers less plugins in comparison to Webpacker, but we're very happy with this solution
  • Understand how sprockets integrates with esbuild
  • Have a look at the goals section above focusing on esbuild.

Rails 7 with import maps Show archive.org snapshot and jsbundling Show archive.org snapshot

Import maps let you import JavaScript modules using logical names. You can build modern JavaScript applications using ESM libraries without the need for transpiling or bundling. This frees you from needing Webpack and Yarn.

  • This is an experimental solution that could become the default in future Rails versions.
  • It lacks any transpilation/transformation and bundling features. They reason that bundling is no longer necessary with HTTP/2, but in practice we still need some form of minification etc.
  • Don't spend more than 15 minutes looking at this approach as we're currently not using it. You should mainly know that it exists.


Michael Leimstädtner
Last edit
Michael Leimstädtner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Michael Leimstädtner to makandra Curriculum (2022-07-01 10:11)