326 Consuming external APIs with Ruby [1d]

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Exercise 1: XML

On the start page of your Movie DB, show the title of a random movie that is coming soon to theaters.


Consider the best place to put the new logic. Should it be an existing class or a new class?

Exercise 2: JSON

Automatically retrieve the year of a movie for any new movie entered into MovieDB, using the themoviedb.org API Show archive.org snapshot . For the UI this means that there is no longer a "Year" field when creating a movie. It is automatically fetched and stored before the movie is created. When editing a movie there is a "Year" field that can be changed.

Testing: Learn techniques

Write tests for both exercises. Write multiple variants, each using a different approach:

  1. Just call the real API from the example (skip this variant for the "upcoming movie" exercise)
  2. Use plain RSpec mocks ("stubs") to replace the HTTP request to the API with scripted behavior. Can you minimize the number of lines of code that now no longer run during tests?
  3. Mock out the network request to the API using Webmock
  4. Mock out the network request to the API using VCR. What happens when you change the movie title in the test?

Also remember to test edge cases:

  • API responds with an errror
  • API has no results
  • For year lookup: API has multiple results for a title

Talk to your mentor about the pros and cons of each approach.

Testing: Find a balance

Together with your mentor, find out how to optimize your test suite using a combinations of the techniques you learned. Also consider whether form models can help here.

Your final test suite should have the following properties:

  • It should not talk to the network while it runs (it's OK to talk to the network once in order to record a VCR cassette).
  • It should not record an excessive number of VCR cassettes. In particular, not every test that saves a movie should record a cassette.
  • It should run (approximately) as fast as it did before the changes from this card.
  • Tests that don't care about the features from the XML (upcoming movie) and JSON (movie year) exercises should not require additional code to mock the network or otherwise silence impractical side effects from the changes in the card.

Implement this in your MovieDB.


Use feature flags to disable the automatic year lookup in tests. Enable the feature only for tests that actually care about the year lookup.

Henning Koch
Last edit
Henning Koch
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra Curriculum (2016-12-20 13:41)