910 Bonus: Rake [0.75d]

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  • What is rake good for?
  • Take a look at some of the Rake tasks that Rails gives you (rake -T within a Rails project)
  • Find the code that defines the rake stats task in the Rails gems
  • What are some ways how a Rake task can execute another task?
  • What does it mean if a Rake task "depends" on another task? E.g. understand what it means for a Rake task within a Rails app to depend on :environment.
  • Understand that Capistrano tasks are also defined using the Rake DSL, but a Capistrano task is not automatically a Rake task and vice versa.


  • Write a Rake task rake list_app_files that lists all Ruby files and their file size within the app directory.
    • Hint: Use globbing to find those files (Dir.glob(File.join('root_directory', '**', '*.rb')))
    • Hint: You could use the number_to_human_size Show archive.org snapshot helper for better file size formatting
    • Hint: For better testability, write a service class with the functionality and only call it in your rake task
  • Use a namespace to rename your task to rake app:list_files
  • Give your task a nice description and notice how it appears in rake -T
Henning Koch
Last edit
Michael Leimstädtner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra Curriculum (2015-08-21 09:38)