260 Network basics [0.5d]

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public. Deprecated.

We no longer teach this card.


  • How do HTTP requests and responses look like? What are HTTP headers? What are they used for?
  • Look at real-life HTTP exchanges:
    • Open makandra.com Show archive.org snapshot
    • Open the Network tab of your browser inspector.
    • Reload the page.
    • Inspect each request and look at its request headers, response headers and payloads.
  • What is HTTP/2?

Digging deeper

  • Use curl to save a copy of http://www.sueddeutsche.de/.
  • Use curl to save the CSS stylesheet of sueddeutsche.de


  • What is SSL / TLS?
  • Why do we need it?
  • How do SSL certificates work?
    • What is a "certificate authority"?
    • What's the significance of the "Common Name" entry in a SSL certificate?
    • What does "certificate chain" mean?
  • Find out how you can see SSL info for this very website in your browser.
  • Go to https://badssl.com/ Show archive.org snapshot . For a few of the broken SSL examples: See how your browser reacts. Try to understand what is wrong.


  • What is DNS?
  • What are A, AAAA, CNAME, MX entries?
  • What are subdomains?
  • Imagine an application that is running as https://www.moviedb2000.de. Now the project is renamed and should be moved to https://filmplexhq.com. Which steps are necessary to make this change? Are there any problems doing this?


  • Use dig and traceroute to find out where www.makandra.com is physically located.
  • What way does a package take when you request www.makandra.com from inside our offices? Actually name the physical places the bits visit during their trip.
Henning Koch
Last edit
Florian Leinsinger
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra Curriculum (2015-08-21 08:57)