185 Our process [2d]

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makandra's development process

Learn about our process. The squares represent the state of the issue in Linear:


In particular you should understand:

  • Why do we have a process?
  • What is an issue (formerly: story)?
  • What metrics does our process optimize for?
  • How to divide large requirements into issues. When is an issue too small, when is it too large?
  • The lifecycle of an issue
  • How to write an issue

Issue format

Read the card Project management best practices: Issues.


Get familiar with our Gatekeeping process.

In particular you should understand the purpose of:

  • Feature branches
  • Code reviews
  • Commit squashing (and the resulting traceability through git blame)

Our Merge request checklist

Read the card Before you make a merge request: Checklist for common mistakes

Include the checklist in the description of all future merge requests and try to tick all boxes. You can ignore the translation and pagination requirements for now as they are taught later on.

Deploying production

Understand the steps involved in deploying changes to production.

For this, take a look at geordi gem and examine what its deploy task does.


Learn to use Linear Show archive.org snapshot , our issue tracker and project management tool:


  • Consider two small changes for your MovieDB
    • Change the title of MovieDB to FilmDB
    • Add a new attribute to a Movie (like a selection of genre, or duration in minutes)
  • Formulate requirements in the forms of stories and ask for feedback from your mentor.
  • For each change, follow the process
  • Deploy the changes to staging
  • Have your mentor accept/reject each issue. Make sure at least one issue is rejected once (e.g. change your mind so "FilmDB" is actually "FilmBase"), so you get to practice the workflow for rejects.

For this exercise, your mentor is both your code reviewer and your customer. Ping them in Slack whenever you think it's their turn in the process.

For all further lessons, you should deliver all exercises through the process.


If no merge request option can be found, check in your GitLab settings (general > visibility) if the slider "Merge requests" is activated. If not, do so.

Other processes

Some of our clients use different processes:

  • Scrum
  • Waterfall

For each of these processes:

  • Understand how they work
  • How do they differ from our own?
  • What are the pros and cons to our own process? Under which conditions would it be superior to our own process?
Henning Koch
Last edit
Michael Leimstädtner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra Curriculum (2015-08-14 15:18)