180 Personal productivity [1d]

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As developers we are dealing with many tasks every week. We need a system to organize ourselves.


After completing this card you should have:

  • A to-do list that you maintain every day. Many of us use Holly Show archive.org snapshot , but a todo.txt on your desktop or any other tool is fine, too.
  • A habit of tracking any incoming task. We can never forget a task that a colleague or customer gives us.
  • A habit of splitting any kind of task or project into actionable first steps.
  • A habit of fully completing tasks to clear your plate for new tasks. We cannot have an ever-growing list of "nearly done" tasks.
  • A system to process incoming e-mail. It's not OK to scroll through hundreds of e-mails in your inbox every morning, trying to figure out what to do today.
  • A Google Calendar Show archive.org snapshot with notifications on your desktop and/or phone.
  • A habit of skimming over large bodies of text before intensively reading their most relevant pieces
  • Considered reducing distractions by disabling notifications.

Getting things done

Watch the following two video summaries of David Allen's book Getting Things Done:


For work it's often sufficient to have a single TODO list.

Minimizing distractions

Reading efficiently


Start using the tools you learned, e.g. track the tasks you're given by your mentor in lists and calendar.

Henning Koch
Last edit
Henning Koch
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra Curriculum (2015-07-09 06:42)