397 Rails: Sending e-mail [2d]

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  • In MovieDB, if you did not implement sending a welcome e-mail, send an e-mail now.
  • In MovieDB, whenever someone creates a movie, send a notification to moviedb-admin@example.com.
    • Can you attach a text file (any content) to the e-mail?
    • Can you write a RSpec test for this?
    • Hint: Action Mailer has a delivery method like :smtp or :sendmail which can be different for each environment. For the test environment the delivery method is set to :test, which means that new e-mails are stored as objects in the ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array. You can inspect this array in your tests.
  • In the lesson Form Models we said that we don't like to send e-mails in core model callbacks. We would much rather send e-mails from form model callbacks. Why is that?
    • Make sure that MovieDB does not send e-mails from your Movie model, but from a form model like Movie::Form.


With your mentor, discuss the challenges of implementing HTML mails well.

Henning Koch
Last edit
Michael Leimstädtner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra Curriculum (2015-07-08 17:49)