What is BDD?

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There isn't a single definition for it. Which is good since it allows the practices to evolve. It's also a barrier to people being introduced to it, since there isn't a single definitive example that says: "This is BDD". Different practitioners have their own definitions and rules and practices.

  • It's like Jazz - A group of people with different skills, improvising in co-ordination
  • There are some rules that are pretty common:
    • Representatives from IT and business
    • It's not a solo activity
    • It's not someone (eg. a project manager) telling the delivery team what to do
    • It happens before code is written
    • The practices are meant to surface misunderstandings in what is being asked to be built

Video describing a way of practicing BDD: https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/7361-keynote-kind-of-green Show archive.org snapshot

Nat Price describing an approach he used at his company https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk4rCn4YLLU Show archive.org snapshot

Last edit
Posted by Chris to Chris's deck (2018-02-07 15:41)