Enjoyable, Frustrating Activity retrospective

Posted . Visible to the public. Draft.
  1. Improv Cards - Pick three cards from the pile of cards that best describe the past iteration. Have each participant share their stories
  2. Enjoyable, Frustrating, Puzzling, Same, More, Less of in the past iteration
  3. Enjoyable,Frustrating, Puzzling, Same, More, Less of in the next iteration - using the data from the past iteration
  4. Affinity map the future looking portion
  5. Pick top N from affinity map
  6. Generate actions for the affinity map

Enjoyable, Frustrating....activity taken from James Shore, Retrospectives Show archive.org snapshot

This format appears to generate a lot of insight. When I ran it I ran out of time generating actions
People can get stuck in the future thinking portion, need more tools to help them get unstuck

Last edit
Posted by Chris to Chris's deck (2018-02-02 17:25)