Usually a cucumber step definition will have some sort of regular expression capture:
Given(/^I have (\d+) dollars in my account$/) do |amount|
#step logic
As the Given is specified above the amount argument will still be a string. A Transform method can convert that to a number (instead of doing the conversion directly in the step definition itself:
Transform(/^\d+$/) do |number|
Cucumber also supports an even more awesome capability: The ability to name transforms and use them in step captures:
CAPTURE_CASH_AMOUNT = Transform(/^\d+$/) do |digits|
#And the step definition looks like:
Given(/^I have \$(#{CAPTURE_CASH_AMOUNT}) dollars in my account/) do |amount|
#step logic
This makes the meaning of the capture group very obvious and it also allows for refactoring of the regular expression to be a little simpler since it's done in one place: The transform method. For example if we wanted to include currency symbols:
CAPTURE_CASH_AMOUNT = Transform(/^(\$|€)(\d+)$) do |currency_symbol, digits|
Posted by Chris to Chris's deck (2018-01-09 14:44)