If you have an ordering scope on a column of your ActiveRecord model, that must appear in the result set of the group clause. You need to get rid of the scope with ActiveRecord::Base.unscoped to get working.
If you try to do the following:
And you have a default scope on your model:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope -> { order(published_at: :desc) }
Then you will get the following error:
PG::GroupingError: ERROR: column "articles.published_at" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 1: ..."articles" GROUP BY visible_to_readers ORDER BY "articles"...
If you look at the generated sql, you will find that the order column is preserved:
SELECT COUNT("articles"."id") AS count_id, visible_to_readers AS visible_to_readers FROM "articles" GROUP BY visible_to_readers ORDER BY "articles"."published_at" DESC
Therefore the database needs the column in the grouped result-set to do its job ordering the results.
The Fix™:
Use ActiveRecord::Base.unscoped to get rid of the implicit scope constrains:
=> {false=>118, true=>456}
Posted by Christoph Beck to BitCrowd (2015-05-17 11:59)