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FuckItJS uses state-of-the-art technology to make sure your javascript code runs whether your compiler likes it or not.



This will keep evaluating your code until all errors have been sliced off like mold on a piece of perfectly good bread. Whether or not the remaining code is even worth executing, we don't know. We also don't particularly care.

FuckIt returns a promise that will be resolved once your godforsaken code actually makes it to the finish line. You can use this callback to chain additional FuckIt calls, since we all know calling it once won't do enough damage to the Internet.


Are you using two different FuckIt libraries? Fuck it, use FuckIt.NoConflict. Of course, this won't really help since FuckItJS reloads itself multiple times and will continually overwrite the global FuckIt variable, but hey... at least you can feel like you're doing something smart.


Are you tired of running from conflict? Are you ready to overwrite every single property on the global window object even if it crashes your browser? Then this method is for you.

Last edit
Posted by Arne to Arne's bookmarks (2012-06-27 09:33)