Your first steps in the alitiq solar application ☀️

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

Welcome to the alitiq-solar Application! Nice that you have found your way to us.

Promise 🙏

You should feel comfortable with us and it should be as easy as possible for you to obtain forecasts for your solar assets. You can rely on that! And if this is not the case, then get in touch with us directly at:

Dig in 🚧

Now let's start with your first steps in the alitiq solar-app.

1. Setup your PV systems

To receive first forecast, you need to setup your PV-systems. Move on to the menue bar on the left hand side and select the Portfolio tab. You will see two tabs, one for the overview of your Portfolio and one to Add new PV-system. Take the last one to move on.

For this step we have a dedicated page to explain how to setup a system in our portal here

2. Wait ⏳

We are very sorry, but now we have to wait until the next cycle of forecasts are running. It takes a maximum of 6 hours to see forecasts from all available models.

3. View your forecasts 📈

Now we are ready that you can view your forecasts. Navigate to the Forecast tab in menue. Select a system and you will see the most recent forecast:


4. Plugin the API to your system 🔌

In the Forecastview you will see a tiny API endpoint creator. It will help you to setup the right API calls. For further details on how to receive data from the API take a look into our API Doc

Important: The first number after is your customer_id.

5. Optimized Forecast 🧠

To receive our AI-optimized forecasts, you simply need to push measurements/production data back at least 90 days from now via API. If you do not provide measurements/production data of you PV-systems, a default will be selected for the optimized model.

6. Intraday Updates

In case you update the measurements/production data every 15 minutes, with a delay of max 1 hour, you will receive updates every 15 minutes based on the most recent production of your system.

Last edit
solar, pv, portal, app, solar-app, photovoltaic
Posted by Daniel to alitiq Knowledge (2024-09-05 06:44)