Rails: Composing an ETag from multiple records

Rails offers the fresh_when method to automatically compute an ETag from the given record, array of records or scope of records:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @user = User.find(params[:id])
    fresh_when @user
  def index
    @users = User.all.to_a
    fresh_when @users

When your view also displays other records (typically associations), those other records should be included in the ETag. You can do so by passing an array of ETaggable objects to fresh_when.


Rails: Your index actions probably want strict_loading

By activating strict_loading you force developers to address n+1 queries by preloading all associations used in the index view. Using an association that is not preloaded will raise an ActiveRecord::StrictLoadingViolationError.

I think it's a good default to activate strict_loading in your controllers' #index actions. This way, when a change introduces an n+1 query, you...

Rails migration: Changing a column type without losing the content

The change_column method for rails migrations support casting with a custom SQL statement. This allows us to change a column type and keep the former content as the new type. This way, we can for example prepare an address number column to hold German address numbers, which can contain letters:

Example (in most cases not a good idea!)

class ChangeAnIntegerColumnToString < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
  def up
    change_column :users, :address_number, 'varchar USING CAST(rating AS varchar)'

  def down
    change_column ...

Story Checklist Template

This is an story checklist I use to work on stories. For this purpose I extracted several cards related to the makandra process and ported them into a check list and refined that over time a little bit.

This task list is divded by the Gate keeping process in the following steps:

1. Starting a new feature
2. Working on the story
3. Finishing a feature
4. After Review

Here are ...

Rails Partials

Rails partials have a lot of "hidden" features and this card describes some non-obvious usages of Rails Partials.

Rendering a basic partial

The most basic way to render a partial:

render partial: 'partial' 

This will render a _partial.html.erb file. Notice how all partials need to be prefixed with _.

It's possible to define local variables that are only defined in the partial template.

# _weather.html.erb
<h1>The weather is <%= condition %></h1>

# index.html.erb
render partial: 'weather', locals: { condition: ...

Rails: Using database default values for boolean attributes

In the past we validate and set default values for boolean attributes in Rails and not the database itself.

Reasons for this:

  • Older Rails didn't support database defaults when creating new records
  • Application logic is "hidden" in the database

An alternative approach, which currently reflects more the general opinion of the Rails upstream on constraints in the database, is adding default values in the schema of the database itself. We also ...

Carrierwave: Custom file validations inside custom Uploaders

Carrierwave's BaseUploader can have some validations that you can use by overriding a certain method, which's expected name is hard coded. A popular example is extension_allowlist, which returns an array of strings and let's you only upload files that have a filename with an extension that matches an entry in that array. Another useful validation can be size_range, which gives you a little bit of control over how your storage gets polluted.

This is often good enough, but some times you need to validate special cases.

Validations t...

Rails: Encrypting your database information using Active Record Encryption

Since Rails 7 you are able to encrypt database information with Active Record. Using Active Record Encryption will store an attribute as string in the database. And uses JSON for serializing the encrypted attribute.


  • p: Payload
  • h: Headers
  • iv: Initialization Vector
  • at: Authentication Tag
{ "p": "n7J0/ol+a7DRMeaE", "h": { "iv": "DXZMDWUKfp3bg/Yu", "at": "X1/YjMHbHD4talgF9dt61A=="} }

Note this before encrypting attributes with Active Record:

Why Sidekiq Jobs should never be enqueued in an `after_create` or `after_save` callback

When an object is created / updated, various callbacks are executed in this order:

after_commit / after_rollback

Thus, each of these callbacks is executed at a specific time in the life cycle of the object. This is important because this point in time determ...

Bookmarklet: cards Markup Link Bookmarklet

The cards editor has a feature "Cite other card" to create links to other cards in the same deck as mardown links.
If you want to reference a card from a different deck, this bookmarklet might be useful:

javascript:(function () {
  const doAlert = () => { alert("Maybe not a makandra card?") };
  let cardsPathPattern = /(\/[\w-]+\/\d+)-.+/;
  if (window.location.pathname.match(cardsPathPattern)) {
    let currentPath = window.location.pathname.match(cardsPathPattern)[1];
    let title = document.querySelector('h1.note--title')?.textCon...

Rails: Use STI in Migration


You should decouple migrations from models by embedding models into the migration. To use STI in this scenario you have to overwrite find_sti_class and sti_name.


When possible, try to avoid STI in migrations by disabling it.



This is more for the sake of I want to do it but I kno...

Jasmine: Creating DOM elements efficiently

Jasmine specs for the frontend often need some DOM elements to work with. Because creating them is such a common task, we should have an efficient way to do it.

Let's say I need this HTML structure:

<ul type="square">
  <li>item 1</li>
  <li>item 2</li>

This card compares various approaches to fabricating DOM elements for testing.

Constructing individual elements

While you can use standard DOM functions to individually create and append elements, this is extremely verbose:

let list = document.createElement('...

Chrome DevTools: Treasure (Overview)


The Chrome DevTools are a neat collection of tools for the daily work as a web developer. If you're lucky, you'll maybe find some handy stuff in here.



  • [Breakpoints on HTML Elements](https://makandracards.com/makandra/517982-chrome-devtools...

Debug flaky tests with an Unpoly observeDelay

The problem

Unpoly's [up-observe], [up-autosubmit] and [up-validate] as well as their programmatic variants up.observe() and up.autosubmit() are a nightmare for integration tests.

Tests are usually much faster than the configured up.form.config.observeDelay. Therefore, it may happen that you already entered something into the next field before unpoly updates that field with a server response, discarding your changes.

The steps I wait for active ajax requests to complete (if configured) and capybara-lockstep can catch some ...

Rails: Validations of Dates, Numerics and Strings with ComparisonValidator


Since Rails 7+ you can use ComparisonValidator for validations like greater_than, less_than, etc. on dates, numerics or strings.


We have a model for booking a trip. This model has mandatory attributes to enforce dates for the start and the end.

# == Schema Information
# start_date :date
# end_date   :date
# ...

class TripBooking < ApplicationRecord
  validates :start_date, presence: true
  validates :end_date, presence: true

These validations are enough. We also want to ensure, th...

Careful: `fresh_when last_modified: ...` without an object does not generate an E-Tag

To allow HTTP 304 responses, Rails offers the fresh_when method for controllers.

The most common way is to pass an ActiveRecord instance or scope, and fresh_when will set fitting E-Tag and Last-Modified headers for you. For scopes, an extra query is sent to the database.

fresh_when @users

If you do not want that magic to happen, e.g. because your scope is expens...

Rails: Custom validator for "only one of these" (XOR) presence validation

For Rails models where only one of multiple attributes may be filled out at the same time, there is no built-in validation.

I've seen different solutions in the wild, each with different downsides:

  • Private method referenced via validate: works, but is barely portable and clutters the model.
  • Multiple presence validations with "if other is blank" each: looks pretty, but is incorrect as it allows both values to be filled in; also the error messages for a blank record are misleading.

Here is a third option: Write a custom validator to ...

Git: removing feature branches on merge

When working with feature branches, stale branches pile up over time. It's best to remove them right after merge, locally and on the remote, but it is a little tedious: you need to remember it, and perform the few steps manually each time.

Enter Git hooks. The folks at Liquid Light have built a little post-merge hook that will delete a feature branch on confirmation....