Balance your texts today with text-wrap: balance

So you have a heading that is just barely wider than the container it should fit into, and it wraps a single word to a new line and it's not really pretty?
Cry no more, for you can use text-wrap: balance today to fix that. At least in some browsers.

When browsers encounter a text-wrapping element with text-wrap: balance style, they will try breaking to a new line sooner, if it balances out the width of lines.

Without text-wrap: balance With text-wrap: balance
Image ![...

Checklist for Implementing Design

We have a long-standing checklist for merge requests. However, it hardly matches the intricate requirements for design. This checklist fills the gap.

Before starting implementing, look at all designs: are there components similar to yours? Have they already been implemented? Can you build on this prior art when implementing yours?

Checklist: I confirm my design implementation

  • has been tested manually by me
  • adheres to the code style of the project (e.g. BEM)
  • avoids "magic numbers" (don't say e.g. ...

Best practice: How to manage versions in a Gemfile

It most cases it's not necessary to add a version constraint next to your gems in the Gemfile. Since all versions are saved in the Gemfile.lock, everyone running bundle install will get exactly the same versions.

There are some exceptions, where you can consider adding a version constrain to the Gemfile:

  • You are not checking in the Gemfile.lock into the version control (not recommended)
  • A specific gem has a bug in a more recent version (adding a comment for the reason is highly recommended)
  • You want to ensure no one upgrade...

Don't assert exceptions in feature specs

As we are slowly switching from Cucumber scenarios to RSpec feature specs, you might be tempted to write assertions like this one:

feature 'authorization for cards management' do
  let(:guest_user) { create(:user, :guest) }

  scenario "rejects guest users from adding new cards", js: true do
    sign_in guest_user

    expect { visit new_cards_path }.to raise_error(Consul::Powerless)

While this might work under certain circumstances¹, there is a good chance you'll see two exceptions when running this single spec:

  • ...

The numericality validator does not care about your BigDecimal precision

Looking at the source code of the validates_numericality_of validator, it becomes clear that it converts the attribute in question to either an integer or float:

if configuration[:only_integer]
  unless raw_value.to_s =~ /\A[+-]?\d+\Z/
    record.errors.add(attr_name, configuration[:message] || ActiveRecord::Errors.default_error_messages[:not_a_number])
  raw_value = raw_value.to_i
    raw_value = Kernel.Float(raw_val...

Preventing users from uploading malicious content

When you allow file uploads in your app, a user might upload content that hurts other users.

Our primary concern here is users uploading .html or .svg files that can run JavaScript and possibly hijack another user's session.

A secondary concern is that malicious users can upload executables (like an .exe or .scr file) and use your server to distribute it. However, modern operating systems usually warn before executing files that were downloaded from t...

Rails: Fixing ETags that never match

Every Rails response has a default ETag header. In theory this would enable caching for multiple requests to the same resource. Unfortunately the default ETags produced by Rails are effectively random, meaning they can never match a future request.

Understanding ETags

When your Rails app responds with ETag headers, future requests to the same URL can be answered with an empty response if the underlying content ha...

ActiveRecord::Relation#merge overwrites existing conditions on the same column

In Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord::Relation#merge overwrites existing conditions on the same column. This may cause the relation to select more records than expected:

authorized_users = User.where(id: [1, 2])
filtered_users   = User.where(id: [2, 3])
# => SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (2, 3)

The merged relation select the users (2, 3), although we are only allowed to see (1, 2). The merged result should be (2).

This card explores various workarounds to combine two scopes so t...

Project management best practices: Technical debt summary

Maintaining larger projects makes it more difficult to balance refactoring and upgrade tasks according to its actual value. Consider to create and periodically maintain a summary, which helps you and your team in the decision which refactoring task should be taken next.


Here is an template on how you might categorize your tasks:

| Technical debt | Estimated Efforts | Customer value| Customer value explained| Developer value|Developer value explained|

Rails: Composing an ETag from multiple records

Rails offers the fresh_when method to automatically compute an ETag from the given record, array of records or scope of records:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @user = User.find(params[:id])
    fresh_when @user
  def index
    @users = User.all.to_a
    fresh_when @users

When your view also displays other records (typically associations), those other records should be included in the ETag. You can do so by passing an array of ETaggable objects to fresh_when.


Rails: Your index actions probably want strict_loading

By activating strict_loading you force developers to address n+1 queries by preloading all associations used in the index view. Using an association that is not preloaded will raise an ActiveRecord::StrictLoadingViolationError.

I think it's a good default to activate strict_loading in your controllers' #index actions. This way, when a change introduces an n+1 query, you...

Rails Partials

Rails partials have a lot of "hidden" features and this card describes some non-obvious usages of Rails Partials.

Rendering a basic partial

The most basic way to render a partial:

render partial: 'partial' 

This will render a _partial.html.erb file. Notice how all partials need to be prefixed with _.

It's possible to define local variables that are only defined in the partial template.

# _weather.html.erb
<h1>The weather is <%= condition %></h1>

# index.html.erb
render partial: 'weather', locals: { condition: ...

HTTP headers can only transport US-ASCII characters safely

HTTP header values must only contain low-ASCII (7-bit) characters for safe transport. From RFC 7230:

Historically, HTTP has allowed field content with text in the ISO-8859-1 charset [ISO-8859-1], supporting other charsets only through use of [RFC2047] encoding. In practice, most HTTP header field values use only a subset of the US-ASCII charset [USASCII]. Newly defined header fields SHOULD limit their field values to US-ASCII octets.

If you need to transport 8-bit+ characters (e.g...

Carrierwave: Custom file validations inside custom Uploaders

Carrierwave's BaseUploader can have some validations that you can use by overriding a certain method, which's expected name is hard coded. A popular example is extension_allowlist, which returns an array of strings and let's you only upload files that have a filename with an extension that matches an entry in that array. Another useful validation can be size_range, which gives you a little bit of control over how your storage gets polluted.

This is often good enough, but some times you need to validate special cases.

Validations t...

How to reliably center (block) icons vertically with text

vertical-align is hard. Have you ever wanted to vertically center an icon with text? This usually means "vertically align with capital letters", as visually, a text line goes from baseline up to the capital top. (That's because descenders are far less frequent than ascenders.)

In this card we'll vertically center an icon (or any "blockish" inline element, really) with the capital letters of surrounding text. This works well with our [modern approach to SVG icons](/mak...

Timecop: reset after each test

Timecop is a great gem to set the current time in tests. However, it is easy to introduce flakyness to your test suite when you forget to reset the time after the test.
This might be the case if:

  • a test freezes time and a later test does not work for frozen time
  • a later test needs the real current date to work correctly

Often you only notice these kinds of errors in rare cases when tests are executed in a particular order.

A way to avoid this is by using block notation (` ...

Jasmine: Mocking ESM imports

In a Jasmine spec you want to spy on a function that is imported by the code under test. This card explores various methods to achieve this.


We are going to use the same example to demonstrate the different approaches of mocking an imported function.

We have a module 'lib' that exports a function hello():

// lib.js

function hello() {
  console.log("hi world")

export hello

We have a second module 'client' that exports a function helloTwice(). All this does is call hello() ...

Heads up: network requests `Kernel#open` are not mocked with VCR

We usually rely on VCR and WebMock to prevent any real network connection when running our unit tests.

This is not entirely true: They are both limited to a set of HTTP libraries listed below (as of 2022). Direct calls to Kernel#open or OpenURI#open_uri are not mocked and will trigger real network requests even in tests. This might bite you e.g. in [older versions of CarrierWave](

subscript, superscript and line-heights

By default subscript (<sub></sub>) and superscript (<sup></sup>) tags are styled with vertical-align: sub, respectively vertical-align: super by most browsers.
However, without adaptations, this will probably break your line-heights.

A common suggestion is to style those two tags accordingly:

sup, sub {
  vertical-align: baseline;
  position: relative;
  top: -0.4em;  /* can be adapted according to preferences */
sub {  

A modern approach to SVG icons

You have some SVG files you want to use as icons on your website. How would you embed them?

Common options are:

  1. Use them with an image: <img src='path-to-icon.svg'>
  2. Embed them inline with <svg>$ICON</svg>
  3. Embed them using CSS and background-image: url(path-to-icon.svg) or even background-image: url(data:$ICON).
  4. Build your own icon font.

All of these have drawbacks:

  • Image and background-image do not allow to recolor the image using CSS.
  • Inline-<svg> are unnecessary work for the server and are...

Using path aliases in esbuild

In esbuild, you usually import other files using relative paths:

import './some-related-module'
import `../../utils/some-utility-module`
import `../../../css/some-css.sass`

This is totally fine if you import closely related files, but a bit clunky when you're trying to import some "global" module, like a utility module. When moving a file, your imports also need to change.

To get around this, esbuild support a mechanism first introduced in TypeScript called "path aliases". It works like this:

First, you create a file called `js...

Jasmine: Creating DOM elements efficiently

Jasmine specs for the frontend often need some DOM elements to work with. Because creating them is such a common task, we should have an efficient way to do it.

Let's say I need this HTML structure:

<ul type="square">
  <li>item 1</li>
  <li>item 2</li>

This card compares various approaches to fabricating DOM elements for testing.

Constructing individual elements

While you can use standard DOM functions to individually create and append elements, this is extremely verbose:

let list = document.createElement('...

Jasmine: Cleaning up the DOM after each test

Jasmine specs that work with DOM elements often leave elements in the DOM after they're done. This will leak test-local DOM state to subsequent tests.

For example, this test creates a <spoiler-text> element, runs some expectations, and then forgets to remove it from the DOM:

describe('<spoiler-text>', function() {
  it ('hides the secret until clicked', function() {
    let element = document.createElement('spoiler-text')
    element.secret = 'The butler did it'

Chrome DevTools: Treasure (Overview)


The Chrome DevTools are a neat collection of tools for the daily work as a web developer. If you're lucky, you'll maybe find some handy stuff in here.



  • [Breakpoints on HTML Elements](