How to test inside iframes with cucumber / capybara

Posted Over 3 years ago. Visible to the public. Deprecated.

Spreewald >= 4.1.0 includes steps for dealing with iframes:

When testing with Cucumber / Caypbara, iframes are ignored, so you can't interact with them.

To interact with your iframe, you have to explicitly tell your driver to use it.
You can reference your iframe either through it's id, or if none given, by it's number:

When /^(.*?) inside the (.*?). iframe$/ do |nested_step, frame_number|
  page.within_frame(frame_number.to_i) do
    step nested_step

When /^(.*?) inside the (.*?). iframe:$/ do |nested_step, frame_number, table_or_string|
  page.within_frame(frame_number.to_i) do
    step("#{nested_step}:", table_or_string)

Use it like this:

  Then the radio button "sample.pdf" should not be checked inside the 1. iframe
    And I should see in this order within the breadcrumb inside the 1. iframe:

However, if you have to perform lots of steps within your iframe, this can be quite tedious. Then it is easier to tell the driver to use the iframe for all following steps. You can do that with a step like this:

When('I switch to the {int}. iframe') do |frame_number|
  frames = page.find_all('iframe')

Use it like this:

  When I switch to the 1. iframe
  Then the radio button "sample.pdf" should not be checked
    And I should see in this order within the breadcrumb:

When the iframe is removed from the DOM the driver switches back to using the regular frame again automatically. We also had cases in which this did not happen reliably. In this case you have to switch back manually:

When('I switch back from the iframe') do
Last edit
Over 2 years ago
Daniel Straßner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted to makandra dev (2020-12-21 16:39)