Setting up PropTypes

Include the prop-types package:

npm install --save prop-types

In code on the class file, add (outside the class, but before the export default):

<class_name>.propTypes = {
  <prop_name>: PropTypes.string.isRequired // Example

ReactJS setup (unique CSS)

Once you have ejected the project, edit the file. Search for test: /\.css$/. Under the the use >> options property add the following under the importLoaders: 1,:

modules: true,
localIdentName: '[name]__[local]__[hash:base64:5]'

This allows for setting up unique CSS class names when multiple components are used that might use a similarly named CSS class style.

Install ReactJS Windows

Install NodeJS and NPM:

Go to
Download latest version of NodeJS LTS with Administrator privileges.

Install Visual Studio Code:

Go to
Downloaded latest version.
Run VS Code.

It should recommend to install Git. Follow instructions to install Git for Windows.

After installation, should be able to get version of git.

Open terminal and type:

git --version

Followed by:

node --version

Followed by:

npm --version

Each should give versions installed on Windows.