Reset mysql root password

Start mysql in safe mode: sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables

Connect to mysql database with mysql mysql

Reset password with Update user Password = PASSWORD('root') where User = 'root' and HOST = 'loalhost';

Install Nokogori on OSX Mountain Lio

Follow the nokogiri installation instructions at

If you run into compiler issues you may have to link the gcc compiler manually by

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.2

Format Cucumber Tables in Sublime Text 2 (ST2)

  • install for general cucumber support in ST2
  • follow instructions on

Adjust key binding:

{ "keys": ["super+alt+7"], "command": "table_cleaner"}

Adjust settings:

How to use cucumber together with Sublime Text 2 Editor

Sublime Text 2 doesn't have out of the box support for cucumber and package control doesn't provide anything.

Adding support to run tests from within sublime text 2: RubyText Package

Add syntax highlighting for Cucumber (Gherkin): Cucumber Syntax

Maybe you'll run into broken test output. Check out this (tmp.) solution until the next ...