Always disable autocomplete for date pickers

When we write a form with date fields, we often use graphical data picker like Rome to get a consistent calendar popup on all browsers.

When you integrate a date picker popup, remember to also set autocomplete="off" on the text input that opens the calendar on click. Otherwise the autocomplete suggestions will cover the calendar box and make it unusable:


If you are using a tool like Unpoly you might want to set autocomplete="off" i...

nvm: Setting a default Node.js version

To set a default Node version for new shells, use nvm alias default <VERSION>:

nvm alias default 1.2.3

I like to use the most recent LTS version as my default:

nvm alias default lts/erbium

Jasmine: Test that an object is an instance of a given class

To test that an object was constructed by a given constructor function, use jasmine.any(Klass):

describe('plus()', function() {
  it ('returns a number', function() {
    let result = plus(1, 2)

Also see Expecting objects as method invocation arguments.

Defining new elements for your HTML document

Browsers come with a set of built-in elements like <p> or <input>. When we need a new component not covered by that, we often build it from <div> and <span> tags. An alternative is to introduce a new element, like <my-element>.

When a browser encounters an unknown element like <my-element>, the browser will proceed to render <my-element>'s children. The visual rendering of your page will not be affected.

If you care about their HTML being valid, your new element should contain a dash character (-) to mark it as a *custom el...

Bookmarklet to generate a Pivotal Tracker story from Zammad Ticket

This is a bookmarklet you can add to Chrome or Firefox which will allow you to create a story in Pivotal Tracker from a Zammad ticket. This might come in handy when creating stories for SWAT Teams.

But first you will have to set two variables in the script below:

  • pt_project_id: the ID of the Pivotal Tracker Project you want to add stories to. This can be found as part of the URL of the project (<pt_project_id>)
  • pt_token: the Pivotal Tracker token used for authentication. Can be found in y...

Capybara: Execute asynchronous JavaScript

Capybara provides execute_script and evaluate_script to execute JavaScript code in a Selenium-controlled browser. This however is not a good solution for asynchronous JavaScript.

Enter evaluate_async_script, which allows you to execute some asynchronous code and wait until it finishes. There is a timeout of a couple of seconds, so it will not wait forever.

Use it like this:

  let [done] = arguments
  doSomethingAsynchronous().then(() => {
    done() // call this to indicate we're done

WProofreader: How to manually enable for a WYSIWYG editor instance (with CKeditor 4 example)

WProofreader is a spelling and grammar checking tool that integrates with textareas and numerous WYSIWYG editors.
While it usually activates automatically, depending on your application, it may fail to boot.

In my case, an application was using CKEditor 4 and programmatically activated CKEditor. WProofreader's autoSearch logic failed to hook into that for some reason.

You can choose not to use its autoSearch feature, but explicitly enable WProofreader.
Here is a guide for CKEditor 4. It should apply to other WYSIWYG editors as well.


Bash script to list commits by Pivotal Tracker ID

The main benefit of our convention to prefix commits by their corresponding Pivotal Tracker ID is that we can easily detect commits that belong to the same story. You can either do that manually or use the bash script below by copying it somewhere to your .bashrc.

# Usage: ptcommits 123456
function ptcommits {
  if test "$1"
    local PTID=$(echo "$1" | grep "[0-9]*" -o) # Allow URLs
    git log --onel...

Using CSS transitions

CSS transitions are a simple animation framework that is built right into browsers. No need for Javascript here. They're supported by all browsers.

Basic usage

Transitions are used to animate the path between to property values. For example, to let the text color fade from red to green on hover, the following SASS is used (shorthand syntax):

  color: red
  transition: color .1s
    color: green

This tells the browser "whenever the color of an .element changes...

DOM API for jQuery users

General hints on the DOM

  • the root of the DOM is document
  • custom elements inherit from HTMLElement. They need a - (dash) in their name, e.g. <notification-box>.
  • event listeners don't have event delegation à la .on('click', cssSelector, handler)


Action jQuery DOM API equivalent
Find descendant(s) by CSS selector .find(selector) one: `.querySelector(selecto...

Unpoly: Automatically show the full better_errors page when Rails raises an error

When an AJAX request raises an exception on the server, Rails will show a minimal error page with only basic information. Because all Unpoly updates work using AJAX requests, you won't get the more detailled better_errors page with the interactive REPL.

Below is an event listener that automatically repeats the request as a full-page load if your development error shows an error page. This means you get...

Webpack(er): A primer

webpack is a very powerful asset bundler written in node.js to bundle (ES6) JavaScript modules, stylesheets, images, and other assets for consumption in browsers.

Webpacker is a wrapper around webpack that handles integration with Rails.

This is a short introduction.


If you haven't already, you need to install node.js and Yarn.

Then, put

gem 'webpacker', '~> 4.x' # check if 4.x is still cu...

RubyMine: Efficiently filtering results in the "Finder" overlay

RubyMine comes with a nice way to grep through your project's files: The finder (ctrl + shift + f). Don't be discouraged about the notice 100+ matches in n+ files if your searched keyword is too general or widely used in your project.


RubyMine comes with a few ways to narrow down the resulting list, don't hesitate to apply those filters to speed up your search. Your keybinding might vary based on your personal settings.

File mask (alt + k)

If you already know the file extension of your ...

Adding Jasmine JavaScript specs to a Webpack(er) project

The goal is to get Jasmine specs running in a Rails project using Webpacker, with the browser based test runner. Should be easily adaptable to a pure Webpack setup.


Step 1: Install Jasmine

yarn add jasmine-core

Step 2: Add two separate packs

Since we do not want to mix Jasmine into our regular Javascript, we will create two additional packs. The first only contains Jasmine and the test runner. The second will contain our normal application code and the specs themselves.

We cannot...

Unpoly: Testing values for presence or blankness

In Ruby on Rails, all objects have a useful blank? method. It returns true for nil but also for empty strings or empty arrays. There is also a universal method present? which returns true for all values that are not blank?.

In JavaScript you need to roll your own implementation of blank? and present?.

If your application uses [Unpoly](...

Documenting your Rails project's Node.js version in .nvmrc

Not all versions of Node.js are compatible with each other. Also npm packages may require a minimum or maximum version of Node.js. We use nvm on our development PCs so we can operate multiple versions of Node.js in parallel.

To make sure that all developers use a compatible version of Node.js, your Rails project should declare the required Node.js in a file called .nvmrc.

When a .nvmrc exists, developers can cd in your project directory and activate...

Events triggered by jQuery cannot be observed by native event listeners

jQuery has a function $.fn.trigger(). You can use it to dispatch an event on a jQuery object:

let $element = $('.foo')

A caveat is that such an event will be received by jQuery event listeners, but not by native event listeners:

let $element = $('.foo')

$element.on('change', event => console.log('I will be called'))
$element[0].addEventListener('change', event => console.log("I WON'T be called"))


This is not an issue when your entire app is ...

How to: Migrate from CoffeeScript to ES6

It is quite easy to migrate from CoffeeScript to ES6. You can use decaffeinate to convert your CoffeeScript source to modern JavaScript.


  • Install the NPM module globally yarn global add decaffeinate
  • Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc to export the Yarn binaries in your Bash
export PATH="$PATH:$(yarn global bin)"
  • Run decaffeinate to get the converted modern JavaScript file.


  • decaffeinate will add some [suggestions](https://gith...

Webpack: Automatically generating an icon font from .svg files

Over the years we have tried several solution to have vector icons in our applications. There are many ways to achieve this, from SVGs inlined into the HTML, SVGs inlined in CSS, JavaScript-based solutions, to icon fonts.

Out of all these options, the tried and true icon font seems to have the most advantages, since

  • icon fonts are supported everywhere
  • they perform well and require no JavaScript at all
  • their icons align nicely with text
  • their icons automatically inherit color and size of the surrounding text

The big issue used to b...

Webpack: How to split your bundles

To keep JavaScript sources small, it can sometimes make sense to split your webpack bundles. For example, if your website uses some large JavaScript library – say TinyMCE – which is only required on some selected pages, it makes sense to only load that library when necessary.

In modern webpack this is easily doable by using the asynchronous import function.

Say we have an unpoly compiler that sets up TinyMCE like this (code is somewhat simplified):

// TinyMCE as part of the main bundle!

import tinymce from 'tinymce/tinymce'

// U...

Capybara: Testing file downloads

Download buttons can be difficult to test, especially with Selenium. Depending on browser, user settings and response headers, one of three things can happen:

  • The browser shows a "Save as..." dialog. Since it is a modal dialog, we can no longer communicate with the browser through Selenium.
  • The browser automatically downloads the file without prompting the user. For the test it looks like nothing has happened.
  • The browser shows a binary document in its own window, like a PDF. Capybara/Selenium freaks out because there is no HTML docum...