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Install RubyMine under Ubuntu

Henning Koch
November 28, 2010Software engineer at makandra GmbH

This card explains how to install RubyMine for the first time. If you want to upgrade an existing RubyMine installation (after legacy install) to a newer version, see How to upgrade RubyMine.

Option A (new way)

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Read more Show snapshot

Ubuntu 16.04 comes with snap, a way to package software with all its dependencies. RubyMine is also packaged as a snap.

A snap will always track a channel (like stable, beta) and automatically update to the newest version available in this channel. By default the snap daemon will check for updates four times per day Show snapshot .

To automatically keep up with stable releases install RubyMine via (tracks stable):

$ sudo snap install rubymine --classic

To only allow minor updates, install the snap with another channel specified:

$ sudo snap install rubymine --classic --channel=2018.1/stable

further info about snaps

You can list available channels with:

$ snap info rubymine
name:      rubymine
tracking:     stable
refresh-date: 7 days ago, at 09:04 CET
  stable:           2018.3.2 (72) 269MB classic
  candidate:        2018.3.2 (72) 269MB classic
  beta:             2018.3.2 (72) 269MB classic
  edge:             2018.3.2 (72) 269MB classic
  2018.3/stable:    2018.3.2 (72) 269MB classic
  2018.3/candidate: 2018.3.2 (72) 269MB classic
  2018.3/beta:      2018.3.2 (72) 269MB classic
  2018.3/edge:      2018.3.2 (72) 269MB classic
  2018.2/stable:    2018.2.6 (69) 266MB classic
  2018.2/candidate: 2018.2.6 (69) 266MB classic

Check packages installed via snap with:

$ snap list
Name      Version    Rev   Tracking  Publisher   Notes
core      16-2.36.3  6130  stable    canonical✓  core
rubymine  2018.3.2   72    stable    jetbrains✓  classic

Search for available snaps:

$ snap find ruby
ruby               2.5.3           rubylang✓       classic  Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby
rubymine           2018.3.2        jetbrains✓      classic  The Most Intelligent Ruby and Rails IDE

Switch channel and install most recent version:

$ sudo snap refresh rubymine --channel=2018.2/stable

One of the features of snap is to be able to simply roll back to a previous version of an application (including the data associated with the snap) for any reason:

sudo snap revert rubymine

Check time of the last end next update check:

$ snap refresh --time
timer: 00:00~24:00/4
last: today at 07:47 CET
next: today at 15:02 CET

Config dir

As the snap is installed with the classic flag, the config still lives in ~/.config/JetBrains/RubyMine<version>.

Option B (legacy way)

  • Install the Sun Java JRE

  • Download RubyMine Show snapshot

  • Unpack the downloaded archive:

    tar -xzf RubyMine-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
  • Make a directory for RubyMines:

    mkdir -p ~/bin/rubymines/
    mkdir -p ~/bin/rubymine/
  • Move the unpacked RubyMine folder to the desired destination:

    mv ~/Downloads/RubyMine-X.Y.Z ~/bin/rubymines
  • Make a symlink:

    ln -nfs ~/bin/rubymines/RubyMine-X.Y.Z ~/bin/rubymine
  • Restart X

  • Add a launcher icon to your gnome panel. The command to call is /home/$USER/bin/rubymine/bin/ For the icon there is a nice SVG of the RubyMine logo in that bin folder as well.

  • If you're working at makandra, ask the ops team for a RubyMine license.

Henning Koch
November 28, 2010Software engineer at makandra GmbH
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2010-11-28 09:42)