Removing white space after links in HAML


  #{link_to "label", "url"}!

Haml is a great engine for writing shorter, readable HTML. However, there is one thing that troubles me regularly. Consider this Haml code:

  Visit our homepage at
  = link_to "", ""

Haml will insert a space around the generated link, the result is this (see the space before the exclamation mark!):

  Visit our website at <a href=""></a> !

They suggest to use a Haml helper, but to me this solution is ugly and too much overhead.

  Visit our homepage at
  - succeed('!') do
    = link_to "", ""

I prefer a workaround I found on stackoverflow Show snapshot :

  Visit our homepage at
  #{link_to "", ""}!

If you like, for some use cases this may be helpful, too:

  Visit our homepage at
  = link_to("", "") + "!"

To remove whitespaces around an element created with HAML syntax, use >:

  Visit our homepage at
  %a{:href => ""}
  %span> !
Dominik Schöler Almost 12 years ago