Updated: Rails cache connection settings

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Updated for Rails 7.2 and Redis 5.


  • If you're using a Redis cache in Rails (e.g. `:redis_cache_store`), it's possible to configure additional parameters for your Redis connection.
  • -See this example for an explanation:
  • -
  • +## Example config for Rails 7.2
  • ```ruby
  • -# e.g. production.rb
  • -
  • config.cache_store = :redis_cache_store, {
  • -connect_timeout: 30,
  • +pool: { timeout: 0.5 },
  • read_timeout: 0.2, # default 1 second
  • write_timeout: 0.2, # default 1 second
  • - reconnect_attempts: 1, # 0
  • +# Attempt two reconnects with some wait time in between
  • +reconnect_attempts: [1, 5], # default `1` attempt in Redis 5+
  • url: REDIS_URL,
  • error_handler: ->(method:, returning:, exception:) {
  • Sentry.capture_exception(exception)
  • },
  • }
  • ```
  • ## Timeouts
  • -You probably want to adapt these settings depending on your application. The default value for `read_timeout` and `write_timeout` is 1 second, which is quite high for a standard application, where regenerating the cached values probably is a lot faster than the 1 second timeout. Be careful when changing these values, because setting a too low value for timeouts can make your cache timeout too often.
  • +You probably want to adapt these settings depending on your application. The default value for `read_timeout` and `write_timeout` is 1 second, which is quite high for a standard application, where regenerating the cached values probably is a lot faster than the 1 second timeout. Be careful when changing these values, because setting a too low value for timeouts can make your cache timeout too often. Note that Rails explicitly sets `connect_timeout`, `read_timeout` and `write_timeout`, which means that only configuring `timeout` will _not_ propagate as expected.
  • ## Reconnection attempts
  • -The Redis client will raise a `Redis::ConnectionError` if it can't connect. To avoid getting this error from time to time, it's possible to increase the `:reconnect_attempts` setting to something bigger than 0. Don't set it too high, so you still notice if your connection setup has problems, but setting it to 0 in a production like environment seems too strict.
  • +The Redis client will raise a `Redis::ConnectionError` if it can't connect. An integer for `reconnect_attempts` will be interpreted as seconds to wait. An array of numbers will be taken as the seconds to wait before each reconnect attempt.
  • ## Error handler
  • To notice exceptions raised by the client you can configure e.g. Sentry to pick up these exceptions.
  • ## Details
  • See the [official guides](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/caching_with_rails.html#activesupport-cache-rediscachestore) for more information.
  • You can use `Rails.cache.stats` to get basic information about the current redis connection.
Dominik Schöler
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2024-12-04 11:11)