How to use cookies with curl

When making requests using curl, no cookies are sent or stored by default.
However, you can tell curl to re-use cookies received earlier (or forge your own cookies).

There are 2 command line switches you need to use:

  • -c will write cookies to a given file
  • -b will read cookies from a given file


The remote server sets a "foo" cookie to value "bar". We tell curl to store them to a file at /tmp/cookies using the -c switch.

$ curl -c /tmp/cookies

You may look at the file, or even modify it, as it's human-readable:

$ cat /tmp/cookies
# Netscape HTTP Cookie File
# This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.	FALSE	/	FALSE	0	foo	bar

To send cookies to a server, use the -b switch. This URL will render any cookies it received:

$ curl -b /tmp/cookies
  "cookies": {
    "foo": "bar"

If you want to both send and store cookies, you need to supply both switches.

You can optionally use the -j switch to tell curl to discard any cookies with "Session" expiry.

Arne Hartherz Over 6 years ago