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Quickly printing data in columns on your Ruby console

Dominik Schöler
May 24, 2017Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Dump this method into your Ruby console to quickly print data in columns. This is helpful for e.g. comparing attributes of a set of Rails records.

def tp(objects, *method_names)
  terminal_width = `tput cols`.to_i
  cols = objects.count + 1 # Label column
  col_width = (terminal_width / cols) - 1 # Column spacing

  Array(method_names).map do |method_name|
    cells ={ |o| o.send(method_name).inspect }

    puts{ |cell| cell.to_s.ljust(col_width) }.join ' '


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Usage examples:

tp Video.where(key: '123'), :created_at, :updated_at, :published
tp [album1, album2], :title, :image_count
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2017-05-24 14:20)