RubyMine: Better soft wraps

Sometimes your code has long lines:

describe 'foo' do
  describe 'bar' do

When you're working with multiple editor panes, such code will often be wider than the pane area:

describe 'foo' do                |
  describe 'bar' do              |
    another_line                 |

To help with this you can activate Soft wraps in the RubyMine options under General → Editor .

Your code will now look like this:

describe 'foo' do                |
  describe 'bar' do              |
line_really_long_line            |
    another_line                 |

Note that the new line breaks are just a visualization, they won't appear in your files.

I also recommend the option Use original line's indent for wrapped parts to make the lines easier to parse. With this option, your code looks like this:

describe 'foo' do                |
  describe 'bar' do              |
      line_really_long_line      |
    another_line                 |
Henning Koch Over 7 years ago