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AngularJS directive to format a text with paragraphs and new lines

Arne Hartherz
April 17, 2014Software engineer at makandra GmbH

If you are using Angular and want something like Rails' simple_format Show snapshot which HTML-formats a plain-text input into paragraphs and line breaks, this directive is for you.

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Any HTML fragments inside that text will still be escaped properly.

Use it like this, where your text attribute specifies something available in your current scope:

<simple-format text="email.message"></simple-format>

This is the directive, in CoffeeScript syntax:

@app.directive 'simpleFormat', ->
  restrict: 'E'
  scope: true
  template: """
            <p ng-repeat='lines in paragraphs track by $index'>
              <span ng-repeat='line in lines track by $index'>
                <br ng-hide='$first' />
                {{ line }}
  link: (scope, element, attributes) ->
    scope.$watch attributes.text, (text) ->
      scope.paragraphs = []
      if text?
        # remove weird newlines
        text.replace /\r\n|\r/g, '\n'

        # split lines and paragraphs
        paragraphs = text.split('\n\n')
        scope.paragraphs = paragraphs, (lines) ->

Also see simple_format helper for Javascript.

Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2014-04-17 15:13)