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Listening to bubbling events in Prototype is easy

Arne Hartherz
April 09, 2014Software engineer at makandra GmbH

If you come across an (older) application that is using Prototype Show snapshot instead of jQuery, you may often see events bound to single elements only, like this:

$('foo').observe('change', updateThings);
$('bar').observe('change', updateThings);
$('baz').observe('change', updateThings);
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If you are calling only one method in each case, this is unnecessarily ugly. Also, when your page contents have been replaced via AJAX (like sections of a form after choosing something), those event hooks will no longer work.

Instead, just do it similar to what you know from jQuery:

document.on('change', '#foo, #bar, #baz', updateThings);

Or, just apply a nice data attribute to the form fields, and look for that in your JavaScript code:

document.on('change', '[data-requires-update]', updateThings);

If you are interested in the element that was triggered the event, simply take an event argument and look at

Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2014-04-09 18:05)