Fix error: Invalid gemspec / Illformed requirement

When you get an error like this:

Invalid gemspec in [/opt/www/]: Illformed requirement ["#<YAML::Syck::DefaultKey:0x7fda6f84d2e8> 1.1.4"]

... the machine's Rubygems needs to be updated.

If that happens on your local machine

  • Manually remove the offending's gem files and specifications. The paths will be something like /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/your-broken-gem and /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/specifications/your-broken-gem
  • Update Rubygems or Slimgems by running gem update --system
  • Run bundler on your project to reinstall the offending gem.

If this happens to your during deployment

  • Ask your operations team to do it.
  • After the update, log onto the server and remove the broken Bundler cache directories like (e. g. shared/bundle)
  • Then redeploy.
Henning Koch Over 11 years ago