If you want to get a deep understanding of how closures, blocks, procs & lambdas in Ruby work, check out the code at the attached link.
Here the summary:
---------------------------- Section 6: Summary ----------------------------
So, what's the final verdict on those 7 closure-like entities?
"return" returns from closure
True closure? or declaring context...? Arity check?
--------------- ----------------------------- -------------------
1. block (called with yield) N declaring no
2. block (&b => f(&b) => yield) N declaring no
3. block (&b => b.call) Y except return declaring warn on too few
4. Proc.new Y except return declaring warn on too few
5. proc <<< alias for lambda in 1.8, Proc.new in 1.9 >>>
6. lambda Y closure yes, except arity 1
7. method Y closure yes
The things within each of these groups are all semantically identical -- that is, they're different
syntaxes for the same thing:
1. block (called with yield)
2. block (&b => f(&b) => yield)
3. block (&b => b.call)
4. Proc.new
5. proc in 1.9
5. proc in 1.8
6. lambda
7. method (may be identical to lambda with changes to arity checking in 1.9)
Or at least, this is how I *think* it is, based on experiment. There's no authoritative answer other
than testing the CRuby implementation, because there's no real spec -- so there may be other differences
I haven't discovered.
The final verdict: Ruby has four types of closures and near-closures, expressible in seven syntactic
variants. Not pretty. But you sure sure do cool stuff with them! That's up next....
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2011-03-08 15:19)