Maximum representable value for a Ruby Time object

On 32bit systems, the maximum representable Time Show snapshot is 2038-01-19 03:14:07 in UTC or 2038-01-19 04:14:07 in CET. If you try to instantiate a Time with any later value, Ruby will raise an ArgumentError.

If you need to represent later time values, use the DateTime Show snapshot class. This is also what Rails does when it loads a record from the database that has a DATETIME value which Time cannot represent. Note that there are some subtle differences Show snapshot between the APIs of Time and DateTime. Also DateTime is implemented in Ruby, while Time is implemented in C, making Time much more performant. So don't always use DateTime because it's more awesome all of the time, because it is not.

Our favorite time travel gem Timecop Show snapshot works with both Time and DateTime.

Henning Koch