353 CSS Grids [2d]

Posted Over 1 year ago. Visible to the public.

If you've stumbled over display: grid while reading the Flexbox material of the previous card - we've got you covered!
Let's dive into this topic with a quote Show archive.org snapshot :

Flexbox is made for one-dimensional layouts and Grid is made for two-dimensional layouts.

You will learn more subtle differences in the linked material below, but you can remember this as a rule of thumb.



  • Go back to the Practice: Cards exercise of the BEM pattern card
  • Rework your previous solution. It should now use display: grid wherever possible and reasonable


Can you reduce the number of container elements in your DOM by switching from Flexbox to Grid?

Michael Leimstädtner
Last edit
About 1 month ago
Henning Koch
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Michael Leimstädtner to makandra Curriculum (2022-12-07 08:18)