Using rack-mini-profiler (with Unpoly)

Debugging performance issues in your Rails app can be a tough challenge.

To get more detailed insights consider using the rack-mini-profiler gem.

Setup with Unpoly

Add the following gems:

group :development do
  gem 'memory_profiler'
  gem 'rack-mini-profiler'
  gem 'stackprof'

Unpoly will interfere with the rack-mini-profiler widget, but configuring the following works okayish:

// rack-mini-profiler + unpoly
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
  // disable unpoly for links in the profiler

Debug SAML in development using a local keycloak server

Developing or debugging SAML functionality can be a hassle, especially when you need to go back and forth with someone external who is managing the identity provider (IDP).
But you can setup a local keycloak server to act as your IDP to play around with. This might seam intimidating, but is actually quite simple when using docker and turning off some verification steps.

1. Start a keycloak instance using docker

`mkdir -p keycloak_data && docker run --network=host -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN...

Geordi 10.0.0 released

10.0.0 2024-03-07

Compatible changes

  • console command: You can now globally disable the IRB multiline feature by setting irb_flags: --nomultiline in ~/.config/geordi/global.yml. All configured irb_flags are automatically passed on to the console IRB.
  • console command: Ctrl + C now properly exits a local Rails console
  • rspec and cucumber commands: Run specs even if the automatic chromedriver update fails
  • Improve detection of IRB version
  • Add new hints to 'Did you know'

Breaking changes

  • dump command: Drop...

Chaining Capybara matchers in RSpec

You can chain multiple Capybara matchers on the page or any element:

  .to have_content('Example Course')
  .and have_css('')
  .and have_button('Start')

When you chain multiple matchers using and, [Capybara will retry the entire chain](

Be careful when checking scopes for blankness

Today I stumbled across a pretty harmless-looking query in our application which turned out to be pretty harmful and caused huge memory usage as well as downing our passenger workers by letting requests take up to 60 seconds. We had a method that received a scope and then checked, if the scope parameter was blank? and aborted the method execution in this case.

def foo(scope)
  return if scope.blank?
  # Use scope, e.g.

We then called this method with an all scope: foo(Media::Document::Base.all). *...

How to display an unsaved changes alert

All browsers implement an event named beforeunload. It is fired when the active window is closed and can be used to display an alert to warn the user about unsaved changes.

To trigger the alert, you have to call preventDefault() on the event.


The beforeunload event is only dispatched when the user navigation makes a full page load, or if it closes the tab entirely. It will not be dispatched when navigating via JavaScript. In this case you need to ...

Heads up: You should always use "current_window.resize_to" to resize the browser window in tests

I recently noticed a new kind of flaky tests on the slow free tier GitHub Action runners: Integration tests were running on smaller screen sizes than specified in the device metrics. The root cause was the use of Selenium's page.driver.resize_window_to methods, which by design does not block until the resizing process has settled:

We discussed this issue again recent...

Where to keep project files that should not go to Git

Sometimes you have a file that is related to a project, while not actually being part of it. You'd like to keep them around, but others won't need them – e.g. some notes, a log, or a database dump.

Sure, you have a project directory – but all of it is tracked by Git. A project's tmp/ directory is usually not tracked, but by definition it is not a good place to keep things.

An excluded directory for related files

I suggest you keep your related files in a related-files/ directory within your project(s).

To keep this directory u...

Best practices: Writing a Rails script (and how to test it)

A Rails script lives in lib/scripts and is run with bin/rails runner lib/scripts/.... They are a simple tool to perform some one-time actions on your Rails application. A Rails script has a few advantages over pasting some prepared code into a Rails console:

  • Version control
  • Part of the repository, so you can build on previous scripts for a similar task
  • You can have tests (see below)

Although not part of the application, your script is code and should adhere to the common quality standards (e.g. no spaghetti code). However, a script...

Capistrano: creating a database dump if migrating

In Capistrano 3, your Capfile requires 'capistrano/rails/migrations', which brings two Capistrano tasks: deploy:migrate and deploy:migrating. The former checks whether migrations should be performed. If so, the latter is invoked, which performs the actual migrations.

Knowing this, it is easy to dump the db only if migrations will run. First, enable conditional migrations:

# config/deploy.rb
set :conditionally_migrate, true # Only attempt migration if db/migrate changed

Then hook up the dump task to deploy:migrating:

Rails: Pluck across associated tables

#pluck is commonly used as a performant way to retain single database values from an ActiveRecord::Relation

Book.pluck(:title, :price) #=> [["The Hobbit", "8.99"], ["The Alchemist", "7.89"]]

But #pluck can do more: you can query multiple tables as well!

Book.joins(:author).pluck("books.title, books.price,") #=> [["The Hobbit", "8.99", "J. R. R. Tolkien"], ["The Alchemist", "7.89", "Paulo Coelho"]]

Note the use of :author for the joins, and then authors for the pluck clause. The first corresp...

Transfer records to restore database entries (with Marshal)

If you ever need to restore exact records from one database to another, Marshal might come in handy.

Marshal.dump is part of the ruby core and available in all ruby versions without the need to install anything. This serializes complete ruby objects including id, object_id and all internal state.

Marshal.load deserializes a string to an object. A deserialized object cannot be saved to database directly as the the dumped object was not marked dirty, thus rails does not see the need to save it, even if the object is not present in...

How to: Upgrade CarrierWave to 3.x

While upgrading CarrierWave from version 0.11.x to 3.x, we encountered some very nasty fails. Below are the basic changes you need to perform and some behavior you may eventually run into when upgrading your application. This aims to save you some time understanding what happens under the hood to possibly discover problems faster as digging deeply into CarrierWave code is very fun...

Whitelists and blacklists

The following focuses on extension allowlisting, but it is the exact same thing for content type allowlisting with the `content_ty...

PSA: Be super careful with complex `eager_load` or `includes` queries


Using .includes or .eager_load with 1-n associations is dangerous. Always use .preload instead.

Consider the following ActiveRecord query:


(Let's assume we only have a couple of blog posts; if you use pagination the queries will be more complicated, but the point still stands.

Looks harmless enough? It is not.

The problem

ActiveRecord will rewrite this into a query using LEFT JOINs which looks something like this:

SELECT "blog_posts...

Heads up: Quering array columns only matches equally sorted arrays

Given you have an array column like this:

create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t|
  t.integer "movie_ids", default: [], array: true

You might think that the following queries yield the same result:

User.where(movie_ids: [16, 17])
User.where(movie_ids: [17, 16])

Turn's out - they are not! They do care about array ordering more than I do.

To query for identical arrays independent of their order you have to either:

  1. Sort both the query and database content. If you're on Rails 7.1 you can use the new [`normal...

Spreewald, Cucumber: Selector for the nth element

The recommended additional setup of the spreewald gem, a useful set of cucumber steps, includes adding a file for defining custom selectors which can be used as prose within steps:

When I follow "Edit" within the controls section

Where the controls section can be any arbitrary defined css selector within selectors.rb

Often it can be useful to select the nth element of a specific selector. Luckily, this can ...

How to make sure that manual deploy tasks (scheduled in Pivotal Tracker) are executed on deploy (with Capistrano)

We regularly have tasks that need to be performed around a deploy. Be it to notify operations about changed application behavior, be it to run a little oneline script after the deploy. Most database-related stuff can be handled by migrations, but every once in a while, we have tasks that are much easier to be performed manually.

Writing deploy tasks

Here is how we manage the deploy tasks themselves:

  • Deploy tasks are written inside the Pivotal Tracker story description, clearly marked (e.g. with a headline "Deploy task")
  • We disting...

How to work around selenium chrome missing clicks to elements which are just barely visible

Chromedriver (or selenium-webdriver?) will not reliably scroll elements into view before clicking them, and actually not click the element because of that.

We've seen this happen for elements which are just barely in the viewport (e.g. the upper 2px of a 40px button). Our assumption is that the element is considered visible (i.e. Capybara::Selenium::ChromeNode#visible? returns true for such elements) but the Selenium driver wants to actually click the center of the element which is outside of the viewport.

We don't know who exactly i...