Sticky table header with jQuery

When you want the table headers to always stay around (e.g. because that table is huuuge), use the code below.


  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  width: auto;
  display: none;
  border: none;
  margin: 0;


;(function($) {
   $.fn.fixHeader = function() {
      return this.each(function() {
         var $table = $(this),

         function init() {
            $t_fixed = $table.clone();

Hash any Ruby object into an RGB color

If you want to label things with a color but don't actually care which cholor, you can use the attached Colorizer class.

To get a completely random color (some of which will clash with your design):

Colorizer.colorize(some_object) # => "#bb4faa"

To get similiar colors (e. g. bright, pale colors of different hues):

 # random hue, saturation of 0.5, lightness of 0.6
Colorizer.colorize_similarly(some_object, 0.5, 0.6) # => "#bbaaaa"

Also see the color gem.

Restangular: How to remove an element from a collection without breaking restangular

So you have a restangular collection and you want to remove an element from it, after you've successfully deleted it from the server.

The README suggests to say something like $scope.users = _.without($scope.users, user). While that works at first glance (the element is no longer in your collection), it will break horribly when you want to use restangular's attributes on that collection.


better rails app restart with the passenger restart-app tool

With this command you can initiate an application restart without touching restart.txt. Unlike touching restart.txt, this tool initiates the restart immediately instead of on the next request.

If you want to use this with capistrano 2.x just replace the touch command:

-    run "touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt"
+    run "passenger-config restart-app --ignore-app-not-running #{deploy_to}...

Rails 2: Refuse response formats application-wide

If you regularly get ActionView::MissingTemplate exceptions, maybe some bot visits your site requesting silly formats like: # => Rails tries to retrieve 'makandra' with format 'html-username-2000'

Just restrict accepted format parameters for the whole application like this:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  before_filter :refuse_silly_formats


  def refuse_silly_formats
    acceptable_formats = %w[html xml pdf]

    if par...

AngularJS directive to format a text with paragraphs and new lines

If you are using Angular and want something like Rails' simple_format which HTML-formats a plain-text input into paragraphs and line breaks, this directive is for you.

Any HTML fragments inside that text will still be escaped properly.

Use it like this, where your text attribute specifies something available in your current scope:

<simple-format text="email.message"></simple-format>

This is the directive, in CoffeeScript syntax:

@app.directive 'simpleFor...

Ruby: How to camelize a string with a lower-case first letter

If you want to do JavaScript-style camelization, ActiveSupport's String#camelize method can actually help you out. Simply pass a :lower argument to it.

>> 'foo_bar_baz'.camelize
=> "FooBarBaz"
>> 'foo_bar_baz'.camelize(:lower)
=> "fooBarBaz"

Listening to bubbling events in Prototype is easy

If you come across an (older) application that is using Prototype instead of jQuery, you may often see events bound to single elements only, like this:

$('foo').observe('change', updateThings);
$('bar').observe('change', updateThings);
$('baz').observe('change', updateThings);

If you are calling only one method in each case, this is unnecessarily ugly. Also, when your page contents have been replaced via AJAX (like sections of a form after choosing something), those event hooks will no longer wo...

Test whether Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) is enabled on a server (using OpenSSL)

Use the following command to test if a server (in this example: on port 443) uses Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS):

openssl s_client -connect -cipher ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA

You should see something like the following:

~ > openssl s_client -connect -cipher ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA
depth=1 O = AlphaSSL, CN = AlphaSSL CA - G2
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:0
Certificate chain
 0 s:/C=DE/OU=Domain Control Va...

IE10 / IE11 Metro mode: How to switch tabs or show the address bar

Internet Explorer on Windows 8 and 8.1 is available in a "Desktop version" and the metro version which is designed for touch devices. \
When using IE Metro with a mouse (e.g. via BrowserStack), controls such as the tab bar or address bar will disappear after a little while.

To show them again, right-click anywhere in the page (except on links, etc).
