Github: How to find the Readme for a certain version of a gem

When a gem author releases a new version to Rubygems, usually a tag with the version number (e.g. v1.2.0) is created an pushed to Github, so everyone can check out or take a look at the source code at this point version release at a later time.

If you'd like to take a look at the Readme of a specific Gem version, you can easily switch to that git tag on Github.

Github: Checkout Git Tag

Unobtrusive jQuery to toggle visibility with selects and checkboxes

Use this if you want to show or hide part of a form if certain options are selected or boxes are checked.

The triggering input gets an data-selects-visibility attribute with a selector for the elements to show or hide, like

<%= :advancedness, [['basic', 'basic'], ['advanced', 'advanced'], ['very advanced', 'very_advanced]], {}, :"data-selects-visibility" => ".sub_form" %>

The elements that are shown/hidden look like

<div class="sub_form" data-show-for="basic"> 
  only shown for advancedness = basic 


Debug Ruby code

This is an awesome gadget in your toolbox, even if your test coverage is great.

  • gem install ruby-debug (Ruby 1.8) or gem install debugger (Ruby 1.9)
  • Start your server with script/server --debugger
  • Set a breakpoint by invoking debugger anywhere in your code
  • Open your application in the browser and run the code path that crosses the breakpoint
  • Once you reach the breakpoint, the page loading will seem to "hang".
  • Switch to the shell you started the server with. That shell will be running an irb session where you can step thr...

Heads up: LibreOffice Calc AutoCorrect will change characters when pasting multi-line text

If you paste multiple lines of text into a cell, Calc's AutoCorrect will change the first character of the last line to uppercase:

foo  =>  foo
bar      bar
baz      Baz

To fix this, go to Tools / AutoCorrect Options, choose the Options tab and uncheck every box. You're a programmer, you don't need wimpy AutoCorrect assistance.

How to circumvent Firefox's "Document expired" page in Selenium tests

When navigating back to a page that was received from a POST request, undesired side effects may happen. Therefore, modern browsers try to keep users from doing so, i.e. Firefox 24 displays an error page explaining what's wrong. If the user presses "Try Again", it shows an additional alert asking whether the user is certain.


If you need to circumvent this protection, e.g. to test that your application behaves correctly despite being misused, do this:

page.execute_script 'history.back()'
page.execute_script 'retryThis(this)...

ImageMagick: Cropping images

ImageMagick takes a string with several options when cropping an image. See the command line options for how to provide the expected image geometry for details.

Note that ImageMagick tends to preserve the original aspect ratio of the source image automatically.


  • crop 200x200 means Maximum values of height and width given, aspect ratio preserved.
  • crop 200x200! means Width and height emphatically given, original aspect ratio ignored.

Jasmine 2 cheat sheet for RSpec lamers

In the tradition of our PostgreSQL cheat sheet for MySQL lamers, here is a cheat sheet for Jasmine when you're used to RSpec.

Note that Jasmine syntax has changed with Jasmine 2, so if you're using Jasmine 1.x you might instead want to use an older cheat sheet.


# RSpec
expect(foo).to_not eq("value")

# Jasmine

Jasmine: Reset the location when testing code that uses pushState / replaceState

When testing code that uses pushState / replaceState, your browser will appear to navigate away from http://localhost:3000/specs (or wherever you run your Jasmine tests). This is inconvenient, since reloading the document will no longer re-run the test suite.

To remedy this, copy the attached file to a place like spec/javascripts/helpers and #= require it from your tests. It will store the current location before every test and reset if afterwards (using location.replaceState).

Cucumber: More patience for Selenium features

When running Selenium features with parallel_tests, some browser-server interaction might take longer than usual and the impatient Capybara will not wait enough to see results.

Put the attached file into features/support/ to make Capybara more patient in scenarios tagged @javascript.

How to upgrade Cucumber on Rails 3+

  1. Run bundle update cucumber capybara cucumber-rails to update to the newest versions.

  2. Backup your features/support/path.rb to be able to add your own paths again after the cucumber installation script in step 4.

  3. Backup your features/support/env.rb file to be able to reintegrate parts like your blueprints setup:

    ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "cucumber"
    require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../config/environment')
    require 'spec/support/blueprints'
  4. Run `$ rails generate cucumber:install --capyba...

AngularJS: Binding to Perl-style getter/setters functions

Angular 1.3+ has an alternative getter/setter pattern: You can bind ng-model to an accessor function. This is a function that is either a getter (when it gets no arguments) or a setter (when it gets the new value as an argument):

$ = function(newName) {
  return angular.isDefined(newName) ? (_name = newName) : _name;

You need to bind this function with ng-model and `ng-model-options="{ getterSette...