Sending TCP keepalives in Ruby

When you make a simple TCP connection to a remote server (like telnet), your client won't normally notice when the connection is unexpectly severed on the remote side. E.g. if someone would disconnect a network cable from the server you're connected to, no client would notice. It would simply look like nothing is being sent.

You can detect remote connection loss by configuring your client socket to send TCP keepalive signals after some period of inactivity. If those signals are not acknowledged by the other side, your client will terminat...

Matching unicode characters in a Ruby (1.9+) regexp

On Ruby 1.9+, standard ruby character classes like \w, \d will only match 7-Bit ASCII characters:

"foo" =~ /\w+/   # matches "foo"
"füü" =~ /\w+/   # matches "f", ü is not 7-Bit ASCII

There is a collection of character classes that will match unicode characters. From the documentation:

  • /[[:alnum:]]/ Alphabetic and numeric character
  • /[[:alpha:]]/ Alphabetic character
  • /[[:blank:]]/ Space or tab
  • /[[:cntrl:]]/ Control character
  • /[[:digit:]]/ Digit
  • /[[:graph:]]/ Non-blank character (excludes spaces...

whenever: Preview the crontab

If you'd like to preview the crontab that whenever will deploy, run the following:

bundle exec whenever

This will print the cron syntax without modifying your local crontab.

Parallel Rspec with RTeX

Running projects parallel makes some trouble with PDF generation. Use geordi rspec spec to force sequential tests for the whole application or failed specs only.

geordi rspec
RTeX::Document::GenerationError in '...'
Could not find result PDF document.pdf after generation.
Check .../document.log

The document will show you, that RTeX tries to generate a PDF document out of a HTML file, which won't work.

Make timestamp of dmesg in Ubuntu human readable

dmesg shows the kernel ring buffer containing low-level system messages.
Per default, dmesg shows a timestamp:

12:59:26 fnordomator ~ > dmesg | tail
[101925.211846] usb 2-1.1: USB disconnect, device number 16
[110486.855788] usb 2-1.1: new high-speed USB device number 17 using ehci_hcd

If you're a human, use dmesg -T to print the timestamp human readable:

12:59:31 fnordomator ~ > dmesg -T | tail
[Di Apr 21 12:43:16 2015] usb 2-1.1: USB disconnect, device number 16
[Di Apr 21 15:05:57 2015] usb 2-1.1: new hig...

Bootstrap: How to avoid printing link URLs

By default, Twitter Bootstrap's print styles include printing links.

/* Bootstrap's way of printing URLs */
@media print {
  a[href]:after {
    content: " (" attr(href) ")";

If you want to turn that off, you can do

/* Don't print link hrefs */
@media print {
  a[href]:after {
    content: none

How to install the `xelatex` binary on Ubuntu 14.04

Just install the texlive-xetex package:

sudo apt-get install texlive-xetex

Running integration tests without texlive-xetex will produce an error during xelatex execution:


When Sass-generated stylesheets print a Encoding::CompatibilityError

We upgraded a Rails 2 application to Rails 3.2 and Ruby 2.1, changed the mysql adapter from mysql to mysql2, but did not activitate the asset pipeline. Instead we used Sass the old-school way (stylesheets in public/sass/*.sass) and relied on stylesheet_link_tag to activate the Sass compiler.

Now all Sass-generated stylesheets inserted the following text into body:before:

Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT

I could get rid of this by removing all generated .css files in `...

pdfkit/wkhtmltopdf: When a header is invisible

If you're using the :header_html option in PDFKit (or the corresponding --header-html option in wkhtmltopdf), and the header remains invisible, you need to add this to your header HTML:

<!doctype html>

The same applies to footers via footer_html

I'm sorry.

Linux: Running a program with a different locale than your default

When your system is not running on English, you may sometimes want to run some applications and not use your system locale.
Use cases are scripts that parse output, or just using the (possibly) more common English labels or error messages. Here is how to do that.

I will use the date command and print the current weekday, just for the sake of an example.

Changing the locale using environment variables

Most often, setting LC_ALL for your command should be enough. The following was run on a system using a German locale.

$ date +%...

PSA: Umlauts are not always what they seem to be

When you have a string containing umlauts which don't behave as expected (are not matched with a regexp, can't be found with an SQL query, do not print correctly on LaTeX documents, etc), you may be encountering umlauts which are not actually umlaut characters.

They look, depending on the font, like their "real" umlaut counterpart:

  • ä ↔ ä
  • ö ↔ ö
  • ü ↔ ü

However, they are not the same:

>> 'ä' == 'ä'
=> false
>> 'ä'.size
=> 1
>> 'ä'.size
=> 2

Looking at how those strings are constructed reveals what is going...

A Ruby script that installs all gems it is missing

So you want your Ruby script to install missing gems instead of dying? Take this method:

def installing_missing_gems(&block)
rescue LoadError => e
  gem_name = e.message.split('--').last.strip
  install_command = 'gem install ' + gem_name
  # install missing gem
  puts 'Probably missing gem: ' + gem_name
  print 'Auto-install it? [yN] '
  gets.strip =~ /y/i or exit(1)
  system(install_command) or exit(1)
  # retry
  puts 'Trying again ...'
  require gem_name

Use it like this:


Rails 2: Refuse response formats application-wide

If you regularly get ActionView::MissingTemplate exceptions, maybe some bot visits your site requesting silly formats like: # => Rails tries to retrieve 'makandra' with format 'html-username-2000'

Just restrict accepted format parameters for the whole application like this:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  before_filter :refuse_silly_formats


  def refuse_silly_formats
    acceptable_formats = %w[html xml pdf]

    if par...