Net::SSH::Exception: could not settle on encryption_client algorithm

TL;DR: Update the 'net-ssh' gem by adding to your Gemfile:

gem 'net-ssh', '=2.9.1'

Now run bundle update net-ssh. It has no dependencies so it shouldn't update other gems.

If you're using Ruby 1.8.7 and want to update net-ssh to a version > 2.9.1 you also need to add this to your gemfile:

gem 'backports', :require => false

... and in your deploy.rb add this:

require 'backports/1.9.2/array/select' 


You propably have an older version of Capistrano and thereby an older version of `n...

Capistrano: exclude custom bundle groups for production deploy

Capistrano is by default configured to exclude the gems of the groups development and test when deploying to the stages production and staging. Whenever you create custom groups in your Gemfile, make sure to exclude these, if they should not be deployed to the servers. The gems of these groups might not be loaded by rails, however, the deployment process will take longer as the gems will be downloaded and installed to the server.

e.g. to exclude the groups cucumber and deploy, add the following to `config/deploy/production.rb...

Building web applications: Beyond the happy path

When building a web application, one is tempted to claim it "done" too early. Make sure you check this list.

Different screen sizes and browsers

Desktops, tablets and mobile devices have all different screen resolutions. Does your design work on each of them?

  • Choose which browsers to support. Make sure the page looks OK, is usable and working in these browsers.
  • Use @media queries to build a responsive design
    • If you do not suppo...

Bundler: Install gems behind a proxy

To install gems Bundler needs to be able to talk to

If you are behind a proxy you can use the https_proxy environment variable:

https_proxy=http://myproxy:123 bundle install

Note that if there is no https_proxy env variable, Bundler will also look for a http_proxy env variable.

With Capistrano

Ideally the server you're deploying on exports an https_proxy variable for all shells.

If you don't have control over the server setup, you can also add this to your Capistrano config:

Geordi 1.3 released


  • Geordi is now (partially) tested with Cucumber. Yay!
  • geordi cucumber supports a new @solo tag. Scenarios tagged with @solo will be excluded from parallel runs, and run sequentially in a second run
  • Support for Capistrano 2 AND 3 (will deploy without :migrations on Capistrano 3)
  • Now requires a .firefox-version file to set up a test firefox. By default now uses the system Firefox/a test Chrome/whatever and doesn't print warnings any more.
  • geordi deploy --no-migrations (aliased -M): Deploy with `cap ...

Make nokogiri >=1.6.0 use system libxml2

Quick check: bin/rails runner 'puts'

Step by step instruction

Nokogiri uses vendored libxml2 since version 1.6.0, which means that each time a new issue with libxml2 occurs, you have to update nokogiri itself. Another approach is to use the system lib again, as it patches the libxml2 library with periodically system updates.

  1. bundle config --local build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries
  2. Ensure that .bundle is not gitignored and .bundle/config contains these lines:

Upgrade from Ruby 1.8.7 to 2.1.5 – an incomplete guide

I recommend to go straight to 2.1.5+ without intermediate steps. Otherwhise you burden yourself with unnecessary work of encoding problems.

Issues you may encounter:

  • Set the ruby version within your .ruby-version file to 2.1.5
  • Remove gem ruby-debug and use e.g. byebug
  • Remove gem oniguruma
  • Remove gem fastercsv
  • Replace gem mysql with mysql2
  • Update gem capistrano 2.12.0 to ~>2.12 when bound for Ruby 1.8.7 and remove obsolete explicite Gemfile entries for net-scp and net-ssh if present.
  • Update gem `and...

whenever: Preview the crontab

If you'd like to preview the crontab that whenever will deploy, run the following:

bundle exec whenever

This will print the cron syntax without modifying your local crontab.

Capistrano 3 has slightly changed its symlink implementation

In Capistrano 2, directories in shared_children used to be symlinked to the shared directory during the finalize_update task.

# <capistrano>/lib/capistrano/recipes/deploy.rb

_cset :shared_children,   %w(public/system log tmp/pids)
# ...
task :finalize_update, :except => { :no_release => true } do
  # ... do |d|
    run "ln -s #{shared_path}/#{d.split('/').last} #{latest_release}/#{d}" # <-- symlinks only the last s...

Reverse-proxying web applications with Apache 2.4+

Note: Making a reverse proxy with nginx is much more straightforward.

A reverse proxy is a "man in the middle" server that tunnels requests to another server. You can use for things like:

  • Expose a local service that you cannot directly reach over the internet
  • "Change" the domain or path of a web application by rewriting them on the fly
  • Instantly change servers that respond to a name or ...

better rails app restart with the passenger restart-app tool

With this command you can initiate an application restart without touching restart.txt. Unlike touching restart.txt, this tool initiates the restart immediately instead of on the next request.

If you want to use this with capistrano 2.x just replace the touch command:

-    run "touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt"
+    run "passenger-config restart-app --ignore-app-not-running #{deploy_to}...

A simpler default controller implementation

Rails has always included a scaffold script that generates a default controller implementation for you. Unfortunately that generated controller is unnecessarily verbose.

When we take over Rails projects from other teams, we often find that controllers are the unloved child, where annoying glue code has been paved over and over again, negotiating between request and model using implicit and convoluted protocols.

We prefer a different approach. We believe that among all the classes in a Rails project, controllers are some of the hardest to...

Common mistakes when storing file uploads with Rails

1. Saving files to a directory that is not shared between deploys or servers

If you save your uploads to a made up directory like "RAILS_ROOT/uploads", this directory goes away after every deploy (since every release gets a new). Also this directory is not shared between multiple application servers, so your uploads are randomly saved to one local filesystem or another. Fixing this afterwards is a lot of fun.

Only two folders are, by default, shared between our application servers and deployments: "RAILS_ROOT/storage" and `"RAILS...

Upgrading Rails 2 from 2.3.8 through 2.3.18 to Rails LTS

This card shows how to upgrade a Rails 2 application from Rails 2.3.8 through every single patch level up to 2.3.18, and then, hopefully, Rails LTS.

2.3.8 to 2.3.9

This release has many minor changes and fixes to prepare your application for Rails 3.

Step-by-step upgrade instructions:

  1. Upgrade rails gem
  2. Change your environment.rb so it says RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.3.9'
  3. Change your environment.rb so all invocations ...

Clean up application servers when deploying

Our development process makes us deploy very often. As the number of releases grows, junk clogs up the hard drive of our application servers:

  • Old release code
  • Old tmp folders with compiled view templates etc.
  • Precompiled assets (Javascripts, images...) that no longer exist. When using the asset pipeline, Capistrano will symlink the public/assets directory to shared/assets. This is cool since we can still serve previous assets after a new release, in the window where browser caches might still have references to old assets. But i...

Capistrano: Bundler stalls and asks for "Username"

Given you use Capistrano together with bundler to automatically install your gems when deploying.

I recently had the problem that Capistrano stalled like this:

[err ::] Username:

It turned out that I this originated from GitHub. We had a gem in our Gemfile that explicitly pointed to a GitHub URL like that:

gem 'foogem', :git => ''

The URL was returning a 404 which caused the problems. You have to get another gem or point to a fork on GitHub.