Careful when using Time objects for generating ETags

You can use ETags to allow clients to use cached responses, if your application would send the same contents as before.

Besides what "actually" defines your response's contents, your application probably also considers "global" conditions, like which user is signed in:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  etag { current_user&.id }
  etag { current_user&.updated_at }


Under the hood, Rails generates an ETag header value like W/"f14ce3710a2a3187802cadc7e0c8ea99". In doing so, all objects from that etagge...

Git: Restore


git checkout is the swiss army of git commands. If you prefer a semantically more meaningful command for restoring tasks, use git restore instead.

With this command you can ...

  • ... do unstaging - git restore --staged
  • ... discard staged changes - git restore --staged --worktree
  • ... discard unstaged changes - git restore
  • ... restore deleted files - git restore
  • ... restore historic versions - git restore --source
  • ... recreate merge conflicts - git restore --merge
  • ... specifiy...

Git commands to discard local changes

Use case

You have uncommited changes (you can always check by using git status), which you want to discard.


Now there are several options to discard these depending on your exact situation.
The headlines will differentiate the cases whether the files are staged or unstaged.

  1. Staged and unstaged changes
  2. [Staged changes](

RubyMine: Find and Replace with Regex (Capture Groups and Backreferences)


In RubyMine you can use find and replace with capture groups (.*?) and backreferences $1 (if you have several groups: $[Capture-Group ID]).
Named captures (?<text>.*) are also supported.


Replace double quotes with single quotes

If you want to replace double quotes with single quotes, replacing every " with a ' is prone to errors. Regular expressions can help you out here.

  1. Open find and replace
  2. Activate the regex mode (click on the .* icon next to the "find" field).
  3. Fill in f...

Careful: `fresh_when last_modified: ...` without an object does not generate an E-Tag

To allow HTTP 304 responses, Rails offers the fresh_when method for controllers.

The most common way is to pass an ActiveRecord instance or scope, and fresh_when will set fitting E-Tag and Last-Modified headers for you. For scopes, an extra query is sent to the database.

fresh_when @users

If you do not want that magic to happen, e.g. because your scope is expens...

JSON APIs: Default design for common features

When you build a JSON API you need to come up with a style to represent attributes, pagination, errors or including associated objects. Instead of reinventing the wheel, you may reuse successful API designs.


JSON:API specifies common features found in most JSON APIs, like pagination, ordering and nested resources. The spec looks very similar to how one would build an API with Rails and uses similar patterns. Even if you don't plan on supporting the whole spec, it can still make sense to know how th...

Git: removing feature branches on merge

When working with feature branches, stale branches pile up over time. It's best to remove them right after merge, locally and on the remote, but it is a little tedious: you need to remember it, and perform the few steps manually each time.

Enter Git hooks. The folks at Liquid Light have built a little post-merge hook that will delete a feature branch on confirmation....

Rails: Fixing the memory leak / performance issues in prepend_view_path

Recently we detected a memory leak in one of our applications. Hunting it down, we found that the memory leak was located in Rails' #prepend_view_path. It occurs when the instance method prepend_view_path is called in each request, which is a common thing in a multi-tenant application.

On top of leaking memory, it also causes a performance hit, since templates rendered using the prepended view path will not be cached and compiled anew on each request.

This is not a new memory leak. It was [first reported in in 2014](

Debug file system access in a Rails application

It might sometimes be useful to check whether your Rails application accesses the file system unnecessarily, for example if your file system access is slow because it goes over the network.

The culprit might be a library like carrierwave that checks file existence or modification times, whereas your application could determine all this from your database.

Introducing strace

One option it to use strace for this, which logs all system calls performed by a process.

To do this, start your rails server using something like


Gem development: recommended gem metadata

The gemspec for gems allows to add metadata to your gem, some of which have a special meaning and are helpful for users.
You can provide links to your Github bugtracker or changelog file that are then used on the rubygems page of your gem (in the sidebar, e.g. see gem page of consul).

Here are some keys that should be filled: do |s| = 'my-gem'
  s.homepage = ''

  s.metadata = {
    'source_code_uri' => s.homepage,

Generating an Entity Relationship Diagram for your Rails application

This card explains how to generate an entity relationship diagram for your Rails application.
We also show how to limit your ERD to a subset of models, e.g. models inside a namespace.

Generating a full ERD

Option A: RubyMine

  1. Right-click anywhere in your project tree
  2. In the context menu, find the "Diagrams" menu item at/near the bottom
  3. Inside, choose "Show diagram" → "Rails Model Dependency Diagram"
  4. A new tab will open with the diagram inside. You can modify it there, and export it as an image.

Option B: Use rails-e...

PostgreSQL: "WHERE NOT <column> = '<value>'" statements do not include NULL values

Sometimes we write plain SQL queries in migrations so we don't have to mock ActiveRecord classes. These two migrations do the same:

class Migration1 < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  class User < ActiveRecord::Base; end

  def up
    add_column :users, :trashed, :boolean
    User.update_all(trashed: false)

class Migration2 < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  def up
    add_column :users, :trashed, :boolean

    update("UPDATE users SET trashed = #{quoted_false}")

The plain SQL migration is less code, but h...

Deployment: Merge consecutive commits without cherry-picking

You want to deploy new features but the latest commits are not ready for production? Then use git merge master~n to skip the n-last commits.


A big advantage of merging vs. cherry-picking is that cherry-picking will create copies of all picked commits. When you eventually do merge the branch after cherry-picking, you will have duplicate commit messages in your history.


It's time for a production deployment!

git log --pretty=format:"%h - %s" --reverse origin/production..origin/master

0e6ab39f - Feature A

Using ngrok for exposing your development server to the internet

Sometimes you need to access a dev server running on localhost from another machine that is not part of the same network. Maybe you want to use your phone to test a web page, but are only in a guest WiFi. In the past, we often used some port forwarding or other techniques to expose the service to the internet.

Enter ngrok, a command line tool that gives you an on-the-fly internet...

Rails 6.1: where.not changes behaviour from NOR to NAND

Since Rails 6.1, if we use where.not with multiple attributes, it applies logical NAND (NOT(A) OR NOT(B)) instead of NOR (NOT(A) AND NOT(B)). If you do not take care, this change will increase the matched set.


"Don't send newsletters neither to admins nor to trashed users!" becomes "Don't send newsletters to trashed admins".

User.where.not(role: 'admin', trashed: true)
# Before Rails 6.1, with NOR
=> "SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."role" != 'admin' AND "users"."trashed" != TRUE"
# Equivale...

RSpec: Define negated matcher

You can use RSpec::Matchers.define_negated_matcher to define a negated version of an existing matcher.

This is particularly useful in composed matcher expressions or to create more expressive and meaningful matchers.


RSpec::Matchers.define_negated_matcher :not_change, :change

describe 'A negated matcher' do
  it 'can be used to chain negated changes' do
    expect { subject.maybe_change(object) }
      .to not_change(object, :attr_1)
      .and not_change(contract, :attr_2)

Caching in Rails < 6.1 may down parts of your application when using public cache control

Proxy caching is a good feature to serve your publicly visible application content faster and reduce load on your servers. It is e.g. available in nginx, but also affects proxies delivered by ISPs.

Unfortunately, there is a little problem in Rails < 6.1 when delivering responses for different MIME-types. Say you have an arbitrary route in your Rails application that is able to respond with regular HTML and JSON. By sending the specific MIME type in the Accept header, you tell the application to either return HTML (text/html) or JSON (`t...

ES6 imports are hoisted to the top

From Exploring ES6:

Module imports are hoisted (internally moved to the beginning of the current scope). Therefore, it doesn’t matter where you mention them in a module and the following code works without any problems:

import { foo } from 'my_module';

Footgun example

When you're not aware of import hoisting you may be surprised that your code runs in a different order than you see in the source file.

The example below is taken from the [...

Ensure passing Jasmine specs from your Ruby E2E tests

Jasmine is a great way to unit test your JavaScript components without writing an expensive end-to-end test for every small requirement.

After we integrated Jasmine into a Rails app we often add an E2E test that opens that Jasmine runner and expects all specs to pass. This way we see Jasmine failures in our regular test runs.


In a [feature spec](

Using feature flags to stabilize flaky E2E tests

A flaky test is a test that is often green, but sometimes red. It may only fail on some PCs, or only when the entire test suite is run.

There are many causes for flaky tests. This card focuses on a specific class of feature with heavy side effects, mostly on on the UI. Features like the following can amplify your flakiness issues by unexpectedly changing elements, causing excessive requests or other timing issues:

  • Lazy loading images
  • Autocomplete in search f...

RSpec: automatic creation of VCR cassettes

This RailsCast demonstrated a very convenient method to activate VCR for a spec by simply tagging it with :vcr.

For RSpec3 the code looks almost the same with a few minor changes. If you have the vcr and webmock gems installed, simply include:

# spec/support/vcr.rb
VCR.configure do |c|
  c.cassette_library_dir = Rails.root.join("spec", "vcr")
  c.hook_into :webmock

RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.around(:each, :vcr) do |example|
    name = example.metadata[:full_descripti...

Better numeric inputs in desktop browsers

You want to use <input type="number"> fields in your applications.
However, your desktop users may encounter some weird quirks:

  1. Aside from allowing only digits and decimal separators, an "e" is also allowed (to allow scientific notation like "1e3").
    • Non-technical users will be confused by this.
    • Your server needs to understand that syntax. If it converts only digits (e.g. to_i in Ruby) you'll end up with wrong values (like 1 instead o...

Event delegation (without jQuery)

Event delegation is a pattern where a container element has a single event listener that handles events for all descendants that match a CSS selector.

This pattern was popularized by jQuery that lets you do this:

$('.container').on('click', '.message', function(event) {
  console.log("A message element was clicked!")

This technique has some advantages:

  1. When you have many descendants, you save time by only registering a single listener.
  2. When the descendants are changed dynamic...

Capybara can find links and fields by their [aria-label]

Sometimes a link or input field has no visible label. E.g. a text field with a magnifying glass icon 🔎 and a "Search" button does not really need a visible label "Query".

For accessibility reasons it is good practice to give such a field an [aria-label] attribute:

<input type="search" aria-label="Search contacts">

This way, when a visually impaired user focuses the field, the screen reader will speak the label text ("Search contacts").


Without an `[aria-...