Use the back button in Cucumber

In order to go back one page in your Cucumber tests, you can use the following step definition for Capybara:

When(/^I go back$/) do
  visit page.driver.request.env['HTTP_REFERER']

If you're on Webrat, this should work:

When(/^I go back$/) do
  visit request.env["HTTP_REFERER"])

An improved version of this step is now part of our gem spreewald on Github.

Test a gem in multiple versions of Rails

Plugins (and gems) are typically tested using a complete sample rails application that lives in the spec folder of the plugin. If your gem is supposed to work with multiple versions of Rails, you might want to use to separate apps - one for each rails version.

For best practice examples that give you full coverage with minimal repitition of code, check out our gems has_defaults and assignable_values. In particular, take a look at:

  • Multiple `sp...

Install a specific version of a gem

To install webmock 1.5.0:

sudo gem install webmock --version "=1.5.0"

sudo gem install webmock -v "=1.5.0"

Prevent Bundler from downloading the internet

As a user of Bundler you have spent significant time looking at this message:

Fetching source index for

To make Bundler skip this index update and only use installed gems, you can use the --local option:

bundle install --local

Unfortunately this does not work with bundle update.

It is said that Bundler 1.1 will use a feature of that allows partial index updates. Hopefully the wh...

Defining and using sub-classes with modularity

Given this class:

class Foo
  class Bar

If you want to clean up this code with the modularity gem, you might try something like this:

class Foo
  does 'bar'

module BarTrait
  as_trait do
    class Bar

Note that this changes Bar's full class name from Foo::Bar to BarTrait::Bar. If you have methods inside Foo (or other classes), you would have to change all references accordingly, which is quite unpleasant.

You can solve it like that:

Install gems for all bundled projects

This is a bash script for those of you who need to install all gems for all projects (e.g. to get started quickly on a newly installed system).

Put it into your ~/bin/ and run it from the directory that holds your projects.

Note that, like the vanilla bundle install, this will fail whenever a new gem compiles native components and requires a missing system dependency.

Fix LoadError with Rails 3 applications on Passenger

After switching to Rails 3 you may get a LoadError with the following message when trying to use your application via passenger:
no such file to load -- dispatcher

Your Passenger version is most likely out of date.

Update the gem, then install the apache module again:
sudo gem install passenger
sudo passenger-install-apache2-module

Follow any instructions. Update your /etc/apache2/httpd.conf with the lines given at the end of the installation process to use the version you just installed.

Migrating to RSpec 2 from RSpec 1

You will need to upgrade to RSpec >= 2 and rspec-rails >= 2 for Rails 3. Here are some hints to get started:

  • In RSpec 2 the executable is rspec, not spec.
  • RSpec and rspec-rails have been completely refactored internally. All RSpec classes have been renamed from Spec::Something to RSpec::Something. This also means that every require 'spec/something' must now be require 'rspec/something'.
  • In spec_helper.rb, Spec::Runner.configure becomes RSpec.configure
  • It has become really hard to extend specific example groups ...

Shell script to quickly switch Apache sites

I prefer the application that I'm currently working on to be reachable at http://localhost/.

So when I switch to another project, I use this handy shell script to set one site as the current one. Call it just like this:
apache-site makandra-com

Note that it disables all other sites in your Apache configuration so you would not want to use this on production machines.
Furthermore it will also enable the default site if that was available.

When you call apache-site with no arguments, it will list all available sites.


On memoizing methods that return a scope

Be careful when memoizing a method that returns a scope, e.g.:

def variants
  scoped(:conditions => { :name => name })

memoize :variants

Because of the way memoize is implemented, that method now no longer returns a scope but its loaded target array.

The best solution is to use the Memoizer gem instead.

A workaround is to roll your own memoization:

def variants

Install the Nokogiri gem on Ubuntu servers

You need to install the following packages before you can build the Nokogiri gem:

sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

Even with bundler your gem order can be significant

Even when you're using bundler, it might be significant in which order your gems are listed in your Gemfile. This can happen when gems are running around calling require or require_dependency on other gems or application classes when loaded (don't do that!).

A known culprit of this is the (otherwise wonderful) resource_controller gem, which requires ApplicationController when loaded. When your ApplicationController requires later-loaded gems when loaded, Rails will not boot.


Install the Paperclip gem on Ubuntu servers

You need to install the following packages before you can build the Paperclip gem:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick librmagick-ruby

Save ActiveRecord models without callbacks or validations (in Rails 2 and Rails 3)

Rails 2

You can use




This can be used as a lightweight alternative to machinist's make or FactoryGirl's create, when you just need objects in the database but don't care about any callbacks or validations. Note that create_without_callbacks does not return the object, so you might want to do

record =

Rails 3

Rails 3 no longer comes with update_without_callbacks or `crea...

Use Sass without Rails

You don't need a Rails application to use Sass. Even when you're working on a static site you can generate your CSS through Sass.

  • Install Sass with sudo gem install haml
  • Create a folder sass in the folder, that stores your stylesheets, e.g. mkdir css/sass
  • In a separate terminal window, run sass --watch css/sass:css. This will watch your sass files for changes and rewrite stylesheets as required.

This even works on Windows.

Note about your .gitignore

You might want to change our [typical .gitignor...

Install RubyGems on Ubuntu/Debian

First of all: You could just use RVM which would make the pain go away. If for some reason you can't, proceed.

Do not use rubygems from the apt repository.

  1. Get the latest RubyGems TGZ
  2. Change to the download directory and extract it:\
    tar xvfz rubygems-1.3.7.tgz
  3. If you previously had RubyGems installed via apt: \
    sudo apt-get remove rubygems
  4. Install RubyGems:\
    cd rubygems-1.3.7 && sudo ruby setup.rb
  5. Link gem to gem1.8:\
    `sudo ...

Install a local Gemfile on a remote server

Call with the server's hostname (and user if you have no SSH agent), e.g.

# or without agent:

When you call it from a rails directory, it uploads your Gemfile, Gemfile.lock as well as the gemspecs of all vendored gems in to a temporary folder on the server and does a bundle install there.

If you need to install gems from anothere Gemfile, just do it like this:
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.something; install-gems-remotely

This scri...