How to make sure that manual deploy tasks (scheduled in Pivotal Tracker) are executed on deploy (with Capistrano)

We regularly have tasks that need to be performed around a deploy. Be it to notify operations about changed application behavior, be it to run a little oneline script after the deploy. Most database-related stuff can be handled by migrations, but every once in a while, we have tasks that are much easier to be performed manually.

Writing deploy tasks

Here is how we manage the deploy tasks themselves:

  • Deploy tasks are written inside the Pivotal Tracker story description, clearly marked (e.g. with a headline "Deploy task")
  • We disting...

How to work around selenium chrome missing clicks to elements which are just barely visible

Chromedriver (or selenium-webdriver?) will not reliably scroll elements into view before clicking them, and actually not click the element because of that.

We've seen this happen for elements which are just barely in the viewport (e.g. the upper 2px of a 40px button). Our assumption is that the element is considered visible (i.e. Capybara::Selenium::ChromeNode#visible? returns true for such elements) but the Selenium driver wants to actually click the center of the element which is outside of the viewport.

We don't know who exactly i...

Don't use log level :debug in your production environments

Catch phrase

You don't want sensitive user data in your logs.


Rails per default filters sensitive data like passwords and tokens and writes [FILTERED] to the logs. The code which is responsible for enabling that usually lives in filter_parameter_logging.rb (Rails.application.config.filter_parameters). Here is an example of a filtered log entry:

`User Load (0.4ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."token" = $1 LIMIT $2 [["token", "secret-token"], ["LIMIT", 1]]`

After the filter is appl...

Upgrade Rails: Awareness list


This card is a collection of guides and things to have in mind when upgrading to a specific version. It is not meant to be complete, so please feel free to contribute!

General workflows

Upgrade to Rails 7

Upgrade to Rails 6

  • [...

Split your parallel tests by execution time and keep execution logs up to date

Both knapsack and parallel_tests have the option to split groups by historic execution time. The required logs for this might be outdated since you manually have to update and push them into your repository.

The following card includes an option how you can keep them consistently up to date with no extra effort locally and/or remotely.

How to always split by execution logs

Parallel Tests

The parallel_tests gem has the option flag `--group...

Git restore vs. reset for reverting previous revisions

The git doc states on the difference of these two commands:

  • git-restore[1] is about restoring files in the working tree from either the index or another commit. This command does not update your branch. The command can also be used to restore files in the index from another commit.
  • git-reset[1] is about updating your branch, moving the tip in order to add or remove commits from the branch. This operation changes the commit history.

git reset can also be used to restore th...

redirect_to and redirect

There are multiple ways to redirect URLs to a different URL in Rails, and they differ in small but important nuances.

Imagine you want to redirect the following url to

Variant A

You can use ActionController::Redirecting#redirect_to in a controller action

class SomeController < ActionController::Base
  def old_location

This will:

  • It will redirect with a 302 st...

Do not use "permit!" for params

Rails' Strong Parameters enable you to allow only specific values from request params to e.g. avoid mass assignment.

Usually, you say something like params.permit(:email, :password) and any extra parameters would be ignored, e.g. when calling to_h.
This is excellent and you should definitely use it.

What is permit! and why is it dangerous?

However, there is also params.permit! whic...

Capybara: How to find the focused element

Capybara allows you to filter elements that are focused.

page.find(:fillable_field, focused: true) # Filtering only fillable inputs for performance reasons
page.find(:xpath, '//*', focused: true) # Filter all fields

Legacy approach

In older version, it was possible to use the :focus pseudo-class. This seems not to work in newer versions anymore.


Postgres in Alpine docker container: sorting order might differ

In CI test runs I noticed that string sorting order changed after switching from a debian-based PostgreSQL docker image to one that is based on Alpine Linux.

Debian image sorting: bar Bar foo Foo
Alpine image sorting: Bar Foo bar foo


Alpine Linux is a very slim linux distribution that results in small docker image sizes (roughly 100MB instead of 150MB), so it's a popular choice. However, it does not have all comman locales installed and does not use all locales that a user installs by default.
Postgres orders string co...

Use -webkit-line-clamp to natively truncate long (multi-line) texts with an ellipsis

Note: You won't need this for single lines of text. In this case it is better to just use the text-overflow property: Use CSS "text-overflow" to truncate long texts

You can use -webkit-line-clamp in your CSS/SASS to natively render an ellipsis (...) after a specific amount of lines for a multi-line text in your HTML.
Earlier, it was necessary to implement JavaScript solutions like Superclamp.js to enable this because the browser support has been rather limited...

CarrierWave: Processing images with libvips

When you write your next CarrierWave uploader, consider processing your images with libvips instead of ImageMagick.

Reasons for libvips

There are several upsides to using libvips over ImageMagick:

RubyMine and Rubocop: Performing safe autocorrects on save

  • Ctrl + Alt + S > search "rubocop on save"
  • Under "Inspections", check the highlighted box on rubocop -a

Caveat: This adds a little time overhead to saving. When you're editing many files at once (e.g. using "Replace All"), this may be inacceptable.

Balance your texts today with text-wrap: balance

So you have a heading that is just barely wider than the container it should fit into, and it wraps a single word to a new line and it's not really pretty?
Cry no more, for you can use text-wrap: balance today to fix that. At least in some browsers.

When browsers encounter a text-wrapping element with text-wrap: balance style, they will try breaking to a new line sooner, if it balances out the width of lines.

Without text-wrap: balance With text-wrap: balance
Image ![...

Git: Splitting up changes into several commits

Splitting up commits makes the process of reviewing often easier, since you can create several merge requests or review every commit one by one.

So when you find out that you have portions of the code that you initially didn't intend to change or when you do some refactoring along the current changes, you can use one of the following processes to split up the changes into several commits in a logical order:

#1 Splitting up the last n commits into m commits
#2 Adding changes to a previous commit
2.1 While adding new changes
2.2 S...

How to pretty print all values in a Redis database

With this Ruby script you can print all values in a Redis database to your console (derived from this bash script).

Note: Do not run this command in production. This is for debugging purposes only.

def pretty_print_redis(redis)
  redis.keys.each_with_object({}) do |key, hash|
    type = redis.type(key)

    hash[key] = case type
    when 'string'
    when 'hash'
    when 'list'
      redis.lrange(key, 0, -1)
    when 'set'

The numericality validator does not care about your BigDecimal precision

Looking at the source code of the validates_numericality_of validator, it becomes clear that it converts the attribute in question to either an integer or float:

if configuration[:only_integer]
  unless raw_value.to_s =~ /\A[+-]?\d+\Z/
    record.errors.add(attr_name, configuration[:message] || ActiveRecord::Errors.default_error_messages[:not_a_number])
  raw_value = raw_value.to_i
    raw_value = Kernel.Float(raw_val...

Preventing users from uploading malicious content

When you allow file uploads in your app, a user might upload content that hurts other users.

Our primary concern here is users uploading .html or .svg files that can run JavaScript and possibly hijack another user's session.

A secondary concern is that malicious users can upload executables (like an .exe or .scr file) and use your server to distribute it. However, modern operating systems usually warn before executing files that were downloaded from t...

ActiveRecord::Relation#merge overwrites existing conditions on the same column

In Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord::Relation#merge overwrites existing conditions on the same column. This may cause the relation to select more records than expected:

authorized_users = User.where(id: [1, 2])
filtered_users   = User.where(id: [2, 3])
# => SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (2, 3)

The merged relation select the users (2, 3), although we are only allowed to see (1, 2). The merged result should be (2).

This card explores various workarounds to combine two scopes so t...

Simple Form: Rendering errors without an appropriate attribute

Usually you add errors to :base in ActiveRecord, in case no appropriate attribute could be used to add the error.

Simple Form doesn't render errors on :base by default, but here a few options how you can render these on demand. For all the options below we use the following example with a Simple Form Bootstrap configuration:

- @user =
- @user.errors.add(:base, 'First error')
- @user.errors.add...

Rails: Assigning associations via HTML forms

Let's say we have posts with an attribute title that is mandatory.

Our example feature request is to tag these posts with a limited number of tags. The following chapters explain different approaches in Rails, how you can assign such an association via HTML forms. In most cases you want to use Option 4 with assignable values.

The basic setup for all options looks like this:


Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root "posts#index"
  resources :posts, except: [:show, :destroy]


Beware when using ActiveSupport time and date calculation methods

The pitfall

Rails Active Support provides some helpful methods for calculating times and dates, like Duration#ago or Duration#from_now. But beware when using those, because they wont give you Dates or Times but ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances. As the class name hints, you now have to be awa...