Using Passenger for development (with optional SSL)

  • install apache
  • sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev
  • sudo gem install passenger
  • sudo passenger-install-apache2-module
  • follow the instructions

Manually: configure a vhost in /etc/apache2/sites-available and link it to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled with something like the following
NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName application.local
        DocumentRoot /opt/application/public
        RailsEnv development
        RailsAllowModRewrite off


Revive a shell that is not working any more

If your shell seems frozen

You probably pressed Ctrl-S which stops the buffer. Try Ctrl-Q to resume.

If your shell behaves strangely (no input being displayed, strange character output)

Try typing this, followed by pressing the return key:


That should clear the screen and reset output settings etc.

Convert Haml to ERB

This is about converting Haml to ERB and not the other way round which you probably want!

This process can not be automated 100%, but you can still save time.

First do

script/plugin install

Then in the console type

hamls = Dir["app/views/**/*.haml"] - ['app/views/layouts/screen.html.haml'];
hamls.each do |haml| 
  puts haml
  erb = haml.sub(/\.haml$/, '.erb'), 'w') do |file| 
    file.write Haml2Erb.convert( 

After th...

Basic styles for flash notifications

.warning {
    font-weight: bold;

.notice {
    color: #11bb00;

.error {
    color: #F53A31;

.information {
    color: #557;

.warning {
    color: #d07d2d;

Start delayed_job in the background

This starts delayed_job, hiding all the output and hiding the process in the background.

rake jobs:work &>/dev/null &

How to install the date_performance gem

sudo gem install zip
git clone git://
cd date-performance
rake package:build
cd dist
sudo gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc date-performance-0.4.7.gem

Clear a Solr index with acts_as_solr

ActsAsSolr::Post.execute( => "#{Location.solr_configuration[:type_field]}:#{ModelClass}"))

Starting and stopping Solr

Solr listens to different ports for different environments.

Start Solr (and hide useless output)

rake solr:start PORT=8981 &>/dev/null
rake solr:start PORT=8982 &>/dev/null

Stop Solr

rake solr:stop PORT=8981
rake solr:stop PORT=8982

Run a single Cucumber feature

script/cucumber features/feature_name.feature

Or, if you don't care about speed, you can use rake:

rake features FEATURE=features/feature_name.feature

Install a gem without RI and RDdoc

To improve installation times of gems you can use the following approach:

gem install xyz --no-document

To permanently ignore ri and rdoc when installing gems, add this line to ~/.gemrc:

gem: --no-document

Be aware that eliding local documentation may disable documentation support in your IDE.

Calling class methods

To call a class method (or static method) from an instance method:


To call a class method from a class method:


Fixing "A copy of Klass has been removed from the module tree but is still active"

This can happen during development when classes without automatic reloading are pointing to classes with automatic reloading. E.g. some class in lib is calling Model.static_method.

Workaround A

Stop referencing autoloaded classes from static files. If you can't, see workaround B and C.

Workaround B

Make sure the offending file (the one referencing the autoloaded class) is autoloaded, too. You may do this:

# config/application.rb

  config.paths.add 'offending/file/parent/directory', eager_load: true


Create an application with an older Rails version

sudo gem install rails --version="=1.2.3"
rails _1.2.3_ new-project-folder

Freeze a specific Rails version

sudo apt-get install unzip
rake rails:freeze:edge RELEASE=2.2.2

Show the current Git branch on your Bash prompt

Append this to your ~/.bashrc:

export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w\[\033[31m\]$(__git_ps1 "(%s)") \[\033[01;34m\]$\[\033[00m\] '

Reload the changes by saying

source ~/.bashrc

For some customized prompts that also show the current Git prompt, see the examples section at the bottom of our bash prompt customizing card.

Run a single test in Test::Unit

To run a single test file:

rake test:units TEST=test/unit/post_test.rb
rake test:functionals TEST=test/functional/posts_controller_test.rb
rake test:integration TEST=test/integration/admin_news_posts_test.rb

You may even run a single test method:

ruby -I test test/unit/post_test.rb -n "name of the test"
ruby -I test test/functional/posts_controller_test.rb -n test_name_of_the_test # underscored, prefixed with 'test_'

Or all tests matching a regular expression:

ruby -I test test/integration/admin_news_posts_test.r...

Typical .gitignore


Check out a remote branch in git

If you would like to checkout the branch groups, you can simply say this in recent versions of Git:

git fetch origin
git checkout groups

This will automatically track origin/groups from a local branch groups.

In older Git versions you need to say this:

git fetch origin
git checkout --track origin/groups

Basic git commands

This is for people recovering from Subversion.

Get an existing from the server for the first time

git clone

See what's changed

git status

Check in locally

git commit -m "good description"

Push local commits to the server

git push

Get and merge updates from the server

git pull

Stage a file for the next local commit

git add file

Stage all files for the next local commit

git add .

Create a new local branch and check it out

git checkout -b branchname


Test if a checkbox is checked in jQuery':checked')

Use the ALT key in a VirtualBox Windows VM

In Ubuntu your ALT key is locked when you're working in VirtualBox. There are two workarounds for this:

  • Press the Windows key in addition to the ALT key
  • Run the attached registry file and restart Windows. Your left Windows key is now the ALT key.
  • If you'd like to map keys differently, here are further instructions

How to fix "Too many authentic authentication failures" with SSH and/or Capistrano

You are getting when connecting via SSH or deploying with Capistrano (which uses SSH):

Too many authentication failures for username

This is caused by having too many SSH keys added to your keyring or ssh-agent. Your ssh-agent will throw all keys against a server until one matches. Most servers will deny access after 5 attempts.

This issue might come and go as the order of the active SSH keys in your ssh-agent changes.

Quick fix

Have less keys. Up to 5 keys are fine when the SSHD you're connecting to is using the default ...