Enable tab dragging in RubyMine

Since RubyMine 3.1 you can drag tabs across panes/windows and out of the main window to create new windows.

For any version below 3.1 do it like this (will only allow dragging tabs inside their pane, not across panes):

  1. File → Settings
  2. Editor → Editor Tabs
  3. Check "Show tabs in single row"


Fan control for Dell notebooks

  1. sudo apt-get install i8kutils
  2. Reboot
  3. You can now run the i8k tools such as i8kmon

Setting the fan speed to high (2) will only work shortly as the fan is somehow controlled automatically.\
This helps you out in bash:
while true; do i8kfan - 2; sleep 0.2; done

There should be a better solution and it will be posted as soon as it's found.

Install a local Gemfile on a remote server

Call with the server's hostname (and user if you have no SSH agent), e.g.

install-gems-remotely my.server.com
# or without agent:
install-gems-remotely me@my.server.com

When you call it from a rails directory, it uploads your Gemfile, Gemfile.lock as well as the gemspecs of all vendored gems in to a temporary folder on the server and does a bundle install there.

If you need to install gems from anothere Gemfile, just do it like this:
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.something; install-gems-remotely my.server.com

This scri...

Override e-mail recipients in ActionMailer

Our gem Mail Magnet allows you to override e-mail recipients in ActionMailer so all mails go to a given address.

This is useful for staging environments where you want to test production-like mail delivery without sending e-mails to real users.

Use Shoulda's validate_uniqueness_of matcher correctly

This raises "Could not find first Keyword":

describe Keyword do
  it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:text) }

Do this instead:

describe Keyword do

  it 'should have a unique #text' do
    should validate_uniqueness_of(:text)


This is the intended behavior.

Automatically run bundle exec if required

There will probably be better solutions as we become more experienced with using Bundler, and more command line tools become Bundler-aware.

b will use bundle exec if there is a Gemfile in the working directory, and run the call without Bundler otherwise.

b spec spec

This script is part of our geordi gem on github.

Unstage an added file in Git

If you added a file by mistake, you can unstage it (but keep local changes) by saying

git reset HEAD path/to/file

This is also what git status will tell you.

NB: It works for conflicts, too, if git checkout -- <file> does not (although git tells you it would).

Airbrake notification in Rake tasks


def task_with_hoptoad_notification(options)
  task(options) do
    rescue Exception => e
      raise e

at the top of the Rakefile, and replace all relevant

task :my_task => :environment do


task_with_hoptoad_notification :my_task => :environment do

This will use the usual notification rules, i.e. you won't get anything in the development or test environments.

Make box shadows look the same in IE and other browsers

The box shadows created rendered in IE by CSS3PIE look darker and are blurred differently than in browsers that render box-shadow natively.

If possible, try to be OK with this. If not, make an IE-only stylesheet that uses a different color and blur radius:

// Real browsers:
+box_shadow("0 4px 10px #bbb")

// IE with PIE:
+box_shadow("0 5px 15px #888")

We should try to package this solution in a neat way so we don't need different stylesheets.

See also this [cross-browser box-shadow comparison]...

Scope to records with a given state in state_machine

The state_machine gem ships with a scope with_state. This scope has some problems in complex queries or scope chains.

Use this instead:

named_scope :having_state, lambda { |*state_or_states|
  state_or_states = Array.wrap(state_or_states).map(&:to_s)
  { :conditions => [ 'articles.state IN (?)', state_or_states ] }

If you want a scope with hash options (with the side effects you should know about):

named_scope :having_st...

Bundler for Rails 2.3.x

Update RubyGems and Passenger

Bundler requires Rubygems >= 1.3.6. Run gem update --system if you have an older version.
It also is not compatible with older versions of passenger, so bring that up to date as well (2.2.15 works).

If you installed RubyGems through apt (which you should never do!), you may see a message giving you a hint to use apt to update.
Some people advise to install the 'rubygems-update-1.3.7' gem on Ubuntu systems if you used apt to install RubyGems.
I did that - and lost all...

Disable Rails XSS protection in ActionMailer views

This might eventually be fixed by Rails itself.\
Right now this is the way to have the rails_xss plugin not escape the body of ActionMailer mails.

Put this into config/initializers/mailers_without_rails_xss.rb: